Jerry Marzinsky Mental Health Counselor - The Schizophrenic Voices are Entities Part 1

3 years ago

What was learned about the schizophrenic voices after 30 years of working with schizophrenic patients. Flying in the face of the psychiatric mafia it turns out that these voices ARE NOT HALLUCINATIONS. They run well defined, repeatable patterns which flies in the face of psychiatry's proclamation that they are hallucinations. It is these voices which drive paranoid schizophrenia. If the voices can be gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia vanish with them.

Jerry has been a licensed psychotherapist with over 35 years of experience working with schizophrenics and other psychiatric patients in state hospitals, state prisons, mental health centers and hospital emergency rooms. His formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. He was awarded the State of Arizona's Meritorious Service Award and the Pima College Apple Award as an instructor in Abnormal Psychology. He is a Commercial Pilot, a long distance Motorcycle Rider and a Certified Scuba Diver. He has served as a 2nd Lt. in the Arizona Civil Air Patrol for 23 years and has been an assistant scout master. You can Visit our Website at for articles, videos and our book which was written to circumvent the establishment's propaganda around this topic and the true cause of Paranoid Schizophrenia and other Mental Illnesses.
The two of them talk about a new book "An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind - Breaking the Spell of the Ivory Tower" by Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney​. More information, articles, testimonials and discounted prices on book over Amazon's pricing found on our website at


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✅ Read Jerry and Sherry's book
✅ Learn about Sherry's "That's a Lie" program
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