Texas Cracks Down on Human Trafficking; Blinken Blasts China, N. Korea Rights Abuses | NTD

3 years ago

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00:00 Blinken Blasts China, N. Korea Rights Abuses
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday urged Seoul to “stand up to shared values” together, to prevent a “dangerous erosion of democracy” in the region. He also accused North Korea of committing "systemic and widespread abuses" against its own people.

02:33 Texas Cracks Down on Human Trafficking
Texas Governor Abbott is expanding Operation Lone Star. It now cracks down on human trafficking involved in illegal border crossings.

05:35 Fla. Curriculum to Nix Critical Race Theory
Florida is saying 'no' to Critical Race Theory. Instead, the Governor wants schools to teach what he calls "foundational concepts."

06:24 Ca Recall Effort Surpasses 2M Signs on Time
California's recall effort has surpassed two million signatures as of the cutoff date, on March 17. NTD’s Ilene Eng has the scoop on the governor’s counter-campaign and what Californians think of it.

08:21 NYPD Increases Security in Asian Communities
New York City is set to increase 'police presence' in Asian neighborhoods. That's in response to recent shootings in Atlanta. Mayor Bill De Blasio says the NYPD is gathering more information from Atlanta, so it can be better prepared.

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#Blinken #OperationLoneStar #RecallNewsome

Blinken Blasts China, N. Korea Rights Abuses; Texas Cracks Down on Human Trafficking | NTD

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