The Story of Three Sons as presented in Luke 15

3 years ago

One Son squandered it all, one son broke fellowship with his father because he felt that it was not fair--he deserved more, and the third was the Son of God who willingly, obediently died on a cross to pay the penalty for all our sin. He surrendered His will into the hands of His Father, trusting His Father fully that He would rise again victorious over sin and death. The full wrath of God that justice demanded against all humanity for their sin was laid upon Him. Then all the Father's power and love poured at the moment of his resurrection. What wondrous grace and forgiveness offered to all who will believe. Do you know Him as your Lord and Savior? He will gladly forgive you of all your sin and shame if only you repentant of your sin come to Him, surrender your all and He will cloak you for eternity in the robes of His righteousness. No condemnation, no fear and no separation from His Love forever, that is His promise to those who come with open heart and fall before Him. With open arms He awaits you, will you come?

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