To Be Free or NOT to BE . This IS America's Question 3/16/21

3 years ago

Give your name and address. Leave this firm message: Vote to KEEP the filibuster and vote NO on S.1 Without the filibuster S.1 can pass.

Senator Kyrsten Sinema will be the swing vote. Please call her Arizona office (602) 598-7327 Then please call her Washington office (202) 224-4521 and leave that same message.

Same Email for Sen. Joe Manchin WV phone number: (304) 342-5855
DC Office: (202) 224-3954
We keep the Filibuster. Call your Senator and tell them you want to keep the Filibuster in place.

1. Michele Bachmann:

2. Jessica Anderson: Executive Director of Heritage Action for America: 10 minutes with 5 minute Q&A

3. Christian Adams: President and General Counsel for Public Interest Legal Foundation

4. Trevor Loudon: What must we do?

5. Wrap up with Pastor Broden

Speakers Links:

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