Puffco Plus Vision Concentrate Vaporizer Unboxing

3 years ago

For more info or to purchase visit: https://discountvapepen.com/product/puffco-plus-vision-edition-portable-vaporizer/

The “First Ever Pocket Nail”, the Puffco Plus features a coil-less chamber designed to mimic the function of a ceramic nail. The Plus has a one of the largest ceramic chambers in the industry which allows the user to pack up the device without having to fill it again after a few pulls. This device has an extendable dart mouthpiece which allows the user to push down on the mouthpiece to eject the dart and fill up the chamber.

Instructions – Use the Puffco Plus MouthPiece to easily load contents, click the Puffco Cloud 5 times, and instantly become part of the Puffco experience.

0:00​ Puffco Plus Vision Edition Portable Vaporizer
0:30​ Box Contents
0:45​ Close Up
0:55​ Mouthpiece Dart & Ceramic Chamber
1:17​ On/Off & Sesh Mode
1:41​ Variable Voltage
2:10​ Cleaning Tips
2:55​ Charging & Warranty

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