Hoaxes, Wokeness and the God of Judgment

3 years ago

March 16, 2021

[00:30] Another Hoax (24 minutes)
On January 9, the Washington Post published an article citing an anonymous source that President Donald Trump was trying to intimidate an election investigator in Georgia. Other news outlets independently verified the quotes in the Washington Post’s article. The quotes were even used in the February impeachment trial. Yesterday, the Post admitted that the quotes attributed to the president of the United States were lies. Add it to the list of fake news stories used to take down President Trump.
[25:00] Woke Enforcement (10 minutes)
Since Joe Biden’s entry into the White House, Americans have learned just how woke many branches of law enforcement are. The FBI now uses many of its resources to conduct predawn raids on Trump supporters for trespassing in the Capitol on January 6. Last week, a police officer in Texas wrestled a 65-year-old woman to the ground at a bank because she wasn’t wearing a face mask. And the leadership in the military are more concerned about arguing with news hosts and congressmen than defending America. 
[35:00] The God of Judgment (12 minutes) 
In an interview earlier this week, CNN host Don Lemon gave viewers his definition of God’s character. “God,” Lemon said, “is not about hindering people or even judging people.” Lemon is not the only person in America who prefers to define God’s character by his own standards.
[47:30] Listener Feedback (8 minutes)

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