5 Great Libertarian Movies!

3 years ago

The Incredibles (2004)

This Pixar film directed by Brad Bird is so full of speeches extolling individualism, it sometimes sounds like an Ayn Rand novel (in fact, Rand is clearly part of inspiration for the character of Edna Bird). Even the supervillain in The Incredibles is a creature of self-invention and self-improvement. While the Incredibles are born with their powers, Syndrome is a normie who worships Mr. Incredible and is desperate to be his sidekick.

Like an animated version of Richard Nixon, Syndrome's ambition ultimately gets the best of him.

The Barbarian Invasions (2003)

Québécois director Denys Arcand's brilliant sequel to The Decline of the American Empire is the single-best depiction of the depredations of socialized medicine. Canada's health-care system is so sclerotic that the movie's protagonist, a retired academic named Rémy, cannot even score the drugs he needs to commit suicide until his estranged son, a banker, buys them on the black market.

Even more disturbing is the moment when the terminally ill Rémy and his former colleagues admit that their intellectual faddishness led them to embrace every awful left-wing "ism" of the past 30 years despite their massive human toll.

Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

Set in the 1980s, Matthew McConaughey plays Ron Woodroof, a boozey roughneck who is given 30 days to live after being diagnosed with AIDS. Faced with a death sentence, he schools himself on a wide variety of treatments, first in Mexico and then all over the world. With the help of a cross-dressing party girl named Rayon, Woodroof skirts FDA prohibitions against importing, using, and selling unapproved drugs by creating a "buyers club," in which members pay a monthly fee and assume all risks.

The depiction of official indifference to patient suffering and the bureaucratic quashing of medical freedom even for people who are certain to die is inspirational, especially now that even Donald Trump has endorsed "right-to-try" legislation that would allow terminally ill patients access to non-approved medicines.

Joy (2015)

Jennifer Lawrence became a mega-star playing the anti-government rebel Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games movies. While there's no shortage of libertarian sentiment coursing through that trilogy, it's actually a quieter movie starring Lawrence that embodies libertarian virtues of hard work, commercial innovation, and entrepreneurship.

In Joy, Lawrence plays real-life "Miracle Mop" inventor Joy Magano, who helped make cleaning your floors easier while making herself rich. The film is nothing less than a paean to capitalism's genius at allowing self-expression and self-fulfillment.

In a dramatic scene with Bradley Cooper, who plays an executive at a home-shopping network, Joy summarizes in a few sentences what it took Joseph Schumpeter, Friedrich Hayek, and Milton Friedman whole books to say:

As former Reason Editor Virginia Postrel wrote, the film "acknowledges the wealth-creating value of incremental improvements even in the most mundane items."

Ghostbusters (1984)

Released in 1984, Ghostbusters quickly became one of most successful comedies in film history.

The movie was perfectly in synch with the Reagan Revolution's valorization of business and demonization of government. Ghostbusters begins with a team of paranormal investigators getting kicked out of Columbia University and starting a ghost-hunting business. But even though New York is literally being invaded by evil spirits, the real villain of the movie is not the otherwordly demon Gozer but an Environmental Protection Agency bureaucrat named Walter Peck, who shuts down their operation and puts the city at risk.

Well, what do you think? How far off the mark are we? What great libertarian movies would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments.

Produced by Todd Krainin. Written and narrated by Nick Gillespie.

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