Trump's Amazing Chart Over The Next Few Months - Joni Patry

4 years ago

The reason I want to bring up Trump's chart is because I see something in it, that's going to change the world, I think.

He's got Leo rising where he's also got Mars on the Ascendant and his rising sign is exactly conjunct the fixed star Regulus which is the star of kings.

Something is about to occur in his chart where his Sun, Uranus and Rahu are in his 10th House, now that is astounding and transiting Mars and Rahu will hit these 3 planets in his 10th House plus his Moon in the 4th House.

The eclipse on December 14th almost exactly on his Sun and Moon (in his 4th House)
-- a lot happened after that, not to his advantage because eclipses represent radical change. The next eclipse (radical change) will be in June in Taurus and happens in his 10th House, career. So something HUGE is opening up for him. He's not going away and will be MORE prominent.

As it comes together with Rahu around March 26th, he is going to create a big roar. Something is coming on into early April when Mars crosses over his Rahu Sun April 15th through the 13th (13 to 15?). Really March 25th through April 13th -- it is an out-roar and up-rage on into early April.

March 25th through April 13th he is manifesting out-roar and up-rage. Transiting Jupiter in Capricorn casts a TRINE to his SUN and his NATAL JUPITER in the 2nd House which is voice, he's got a lot to say. This is monumental and Saturn supports and uplifts Jupiter the whole time it is in Capricorn.

By April 5, Jupiter goes into Aquarius which means the big up-roar and up-rage may
calm down A LOT. His Mars rules his 4th House of power and rules the 9th House.
I see a lot here that makes me think the world is about to change in March/April -- he's got something he's planning. Be prepared to hear more from him with all these planets activating his chart and lighting it up "like it's never been lit up before".

Joni Patry's channel on YouTube:

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