03/15/2021 Patrick Byrne The Deep Rig Book #1 Best Seller Interview Jeremy Ryan Slate

3 years ago

March 15, 2021: The Deep Rig by Patrick Byrne Interview #1 Bestselling eBook - Jeremy Ryan Slate 847: Patrick Byrne | The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him (or what to send friends who ask, "Why do you doubt the integrity of Election 2020?")

6 cities, that's all it would take: Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Phoenix and Detroit, to steal the United States. On the night of November 3rd, something odd happened there.

Patrick Byrne said, "To steal the United States, you don't need to steal across the United States. You need to steal six locations, and that will, through the magic of the Electoral College system, that flips the whole country and those six locations on the evening of November 3 vote counting stopped in six cities in America..."

Byrne is a libertarian who did not vote for Trump and has publicly criticized him: that said, he believes Election 2020 was rigged, and that should be objectionable to every person who believes, "just government derives its power from the consent of the governed." In this book, he explains what caused him in August 2020 to study election fraud, and what really happened during the 2020 election.

He describes how his team of "cyber-ninjas" unraveled it while they worked against the clock of Constitutional processes, all against the background of being a lifetime entrepreneur trying to interact with Washington, DC.

This book takes you behind the headlines to backroom scenes that determined whether or not the fraud would be exposed in time, and paints a portrait of Washington that will leave the reader asking, "Is this the end of our constitutional republic?"

Patrick Michael Byrne is the Founder and Former CEO of Overstock.com, Inc., a Utah-based internet retailer that has been publicly traded since 2002.

The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him - https://www.amazon.com/Deep-Rig-Election-Fraud-Donald-ebook/dp/B08X1Z9FHP

Deep Capture - https://www.deepcapture.com/

Telegram - https://t.me/PatrickMByrne

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