Wash. Post Admits to False Trump Quote; Beijing Endures Worst Sandstorm in Decades | NTD

3 years ago

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6. Wash. Post Admits to False Trump Quote
The Washington Post is walking back claims that former President Trump told Georgia's 'elections investigator' to, quote, "find the fraud." They admit the article falsified quotes attributed to Trump but issued no apology.

15. Beijing Endures Worst Sandstorm in Decades
Skies turn orange in Beijing as sand and dust descend on the city. Air quality indexes there reach hazardous levels. Media reports are calling it the worst sandstorm in a decade.

9. 150 Spring Breakers Arrested in Miami Beach
It’s spring break now. In Miami, this means a lot more visitors to the city. But things got a little chaotic this past weekend.

19. CCP More Unpopular in Europe: French Senator
If you were wondering just what goes on behind closed doors in China's ruling communist regime—especially in the last year or so—you're not alone. Europeans are growing increasingly distrustful of the regime.

8. Vatican: Church Can’t Bless Same-Sex Unions
The Vatican says the Catholic Church can't bless same-sex unions because God "cannot bless sin.” The Vatican's Orthodoxy Office issued the statement on March 15, with the Pope's approval.

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#Trump #Vatican #CommunistChina

Wash. Post Admits to False Trump Quote; Beijing Endures Worst Sandstorm in Decades | NTD

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