The Five ~ Full Show ~ 03 - 15 - 21.

4 years ago

The Five ~ Full Show ~ 03 - 15 - 21.

⇊Drone13 Opinion⇊

📢Trump did it! That's the left's contingency plan every single time they F*** something up.
The Left blatantly lies constantly, I've never known a government be as corrupt and deceitful as the entire Democrat Party and the Treacherous Rinos. The people who believe anything they say must be really thick, but most are as corrupt as the scum they vote for.

If you get the chance, please check out
the creators web link below, thanks.
Greg Gutfeld:
Jesse Watters:

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: O@th Keep*rs Founder Stewart Rhodes Speaks Out After Weeks of Being Demonized by the Left and Deep State. ⇊


🗽🏍Godspeed President Donald J Trump🏍🗽

🤜Never Back Down, Never Lose Faith, Never Give Up🤛


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