KILL 99.9% Of Viruses with THIS!

4 years ago

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Our FAR-UVC Lights Kill 99.9% of bacteria and viruses are are EYE & SKIN SAFE! Great sanitation and disinfection lights for use in high traffic areas, doctor's offices, dental offices, law enforcement, businesses, offices, homes, schools and so much more!

Larson Electronics has the World's LARGEST Selection of Far-UV Products!!!

At Larson Electronics, we prioritize access to the latest cutting-edge technologies for our customers. An example of this commitment is our massive, unmatchable selection of far UVC sanitation fixtures and devices.

These no-contact sanitation units utilize far UVC 222 nm light to eliminate up to 99.9% of bacteria, viruses, mold and spores. The 222 nm band is considered to be eye and skin safe for humans, as it does not impose damage to the skin and cornea.

You can use these Far UV Lights to sanitize and clean anything safely! Sanitize computers, keyboards, door knobs, tables, desks, walls, shoes, clothes and more.

Use Far-UVC for schools, offices, commercial buildings, industrial buildings, doctor and dentist offices, law enforcement, libraries and more!

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