worst situation overall Pakistan. مسیحی لڑکی کا اغوا

4 years ago

Please pray for Pakistan. It is true news of Pakistan

It is the worst situation overall in Pakistan. It is great grief about poor minorities. It is heartbreaking news and stories of humble and poor minorities’ families of Pakistan. Humanity has been ashamed by watching cruelty, injustice with minorities through inhuman attitudes in the name of religion. Even humanity defenders had been disappointed by watching daily persecution over innocents’ girls of minorities.

Patriotic Prime minister Imran Khan truly expresses about bargaining over the seats in the parliament through News and speeches. Leadership of Pakistan are on buying and selling for seats of parliament, how they will be sincere with Pakistan’ sovereignty. It was a terrible situation in parliament. Pakistan is already going through the worst condition of corruption. If no one is listening to Position “Prime Minister of Pakistan” for justice with Pakistan, then who will listen crying mothers’ hearts of minorities for her innocent girls.

Jeopardy of political parties in Pakistan is not showing decent national patriotic morals and values for Pakistan’ sovereignty, it means that intentions are different in the favor of Pakistan but they are selfish for parties’ causes. They are not selfless for Pakistan’ prosperity as good decent citizens of Pakistan but they keep selfish causes on priority and push down Pakistan’ sovereignty. It is a major fact.

Even political parties are not taking a stand for justice and truth but stand aside for selfish business causes. It is business over sovereignty of Pakistan by buying and selling seats. How will poor minorities survive? Pakistani political parties are not sincere with Pakistan. They did not give a chance to complete time of ruling decently for the development of Pakistan.

Nobody knows what Pakistan will present in the 72 year history and current situation, because Pakistan has been used for the sake of religion, in the name of religion and in the name of business. It is the irony of fate, no one thinks about human values, minority rights and human morals.

Current situation of poor minorities’ girls is merely terrible. Police department is helpless before communities influential Choudries, Lambars and ministers even parliamentarian. It is chain work of injustice that start from parliament to local villages or you can read opposite from local village, town, city to parliament. It is a corruption but they wanted to hide themselves under the umbrella of religion. It is hypocrisy.

You can do search cases studies, every cruelty, every robbery, every corruption, every discrimination, every forced conversion, forced marriages are under the umbrella of Police authorizes, Media, political leaders and religious leaders. Even all of these authorities are for Pakistan’ protection, security and peace of country, when these authorities are misusing their authority for injustice with Pakistan. Then who will do justice with fellow human beings?

Continual minorities’ helplessness to get justice is a sign of overall system’ corruption. Daily kidnapping of minorities girls in different parts of Pakistan is a living witness of lawlessness in all over country. Because if it is only minorities girls’ conversion matter, then it is religious state of mind by doing discrimination. In fact, it is a minor mentality of poor minds, Irony of fate, parliamentarians cannot do justice because it is chain from lower to higher for corruption.

It is dirt of political parties to let down fellow party of Pakistan in the eyes of the whole world by showing Pakistan’ photo as terrible, terroristic, persecuted, rapes, forced conversion, forced marriages for businesses. Pakistan’ sovereignty is a minor for them but their personal causes are major for them; they have trodden justice of Pakistan under their feet. It is an irony of fate, in the institution of Justice “COURT” Stamp paper’ cost is 50 Pakistani rupees but is being sold out for 200 Pakistani Rupees. Then who will do justice? Other institutions are worse.

Now if you look to Parliament, Court, Media, Police and Power supply departments etc. In fact, Pakistan is not a good place for poor and sensitive people. But it is a better place for corrupt, robbers and wrestlers. Why decent Muslim like to live in other countries rather than Pakistan. They had observed that Pakistan is a place of corruption that is connected chain.

It is so sad for poor human beings who are being crushed daily under these corrupt people. If someone stepped forward to educate them, they were killed and persecuted. It is a terrible situation that people want to follow the corruption mafia rather than who want justice with Pakistan. If political leadership will keep this kind of corrupt state of mind, can Pakistan be a peaceful country for any religion?

May Higher authorities of the United Nations, USA, Canada, UK, Germany, Amenity International, all religions peace workers and all those who protect human rights and religion’ peace come forward to do justice with Pakistan ‘minorities and peace of country. Pakistan had gone deep down snares of corruption due to strong influential political and religious leaders’ corruption. Who will be neutral and positive for the sovereignty of Pakistan? Majority is in a chain of corruption in all departments of Pakistan.

It is an irony of fate that Pakistanis are against Pakistan unknowingly. But somebody is saying that they want to see peaceful Pakistan. They don’t want to see corrupt leadership. It is irony of fate, Pakistani Muslim wanted to live those countries to which they say that they are infidel countries.

Why are silent for minorities’ justice in Pakistan? No one take stand for justice by watching the jeopardy of political parties against the peace of Pakistan. Why they are not doing justice with minorities of Pakistan. Societies of authorities have no burden for grieved humanity.

It is a great grief to express the crying, painful heart, sighs and innocent’ helplessness. Our country Pakistan had gone in the deep worst condition.

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