4 years ago

The mind and the emotions arising from the mind can cause us great problems. An out of control mind is the cause of so many mental health issues.
The first thing to consider is that the mind is not the brain. The mind is closely connected with the brain, but it is a separate subtle body that I am wearing. The mind can function outside and separate from the brain.

Everything that we saw, that we heard, that we tasted, that we smelled and that we touched is recorded in the mind.

The mind travels with the living being from one body to the next.

We can also see that we are not the mind when we are trying to control the mind, when we are trying to change what the mind is focusing on. For example, we might have to study for an exam or research a particular subject matter, but the mind is already thinking about what to eat later or who I will meet in a few hours.

Who is this person who is trying to control the mind?

Every path or system of self discovery and self improvement has an important component where a person will need to learn how to exercise more control over the mind. It is really impossible to experience lasting happiness unless we understand that we are separate from our mind, and that we should not blindly follow all the demands and desires that arise in our mind.

Society at large promotes the idea that we should just follow our mind and our senses at all times, and that this will have a great outcome.

What we focus on and what do with our senses will be stored in our mind for a very long time. This is of crucial importance when we consider how we can become more happy and peaceful.

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