Guitar Theory - Moving Between G and C Chords

3 years ago

In this exercise, we practice moving from a G chord to a C chord.

Note that the pinky finger and ring finger both stay put, in a perfect 4th shape, and become dual anchor points for the rest of the maneuver,

While the middle finger and pointer finger, become a moveable Major 3rd shape, for both the G and C chords.

This exercise would be helpful if you were trying to learn AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long,

And this exercise is good for many other reasons, in particular, for 3 chord songs that use G-C-D

Also, this G shape outlines part of the notes of the E minor pentatonic scale

This maneuver will be combined with another lesson to bring together G-C-D chord changes.

What is still amazing to me, is what this one little trick can do,

Which is to allow you to use your ring finger to post up an anchor point on the B string, 3rd fret,

And then use that ring finger as a pivot point to move between G-C-D just by feel, without having to look at your fingers.

With your ring finger set up as ONE single anchor point, from which to access the three chords you need,

your attention is now free to do more important things, like sing, and work out new songs.

Always remember that a guitar is an accompany instrument, and its job is to accompany the human voice,

So the job of the guitar, is to serve the singer.

Eventually, you will be wanting to write actual songs, with actual lyrics, which become your intellectual property...

So there are kind of two paths you can take as a guitar player,

1) continue playing guitar until you get good enough to play lead guitar, but never sing.

2) work on rhythm guitar, and singing lead.

Personally, i believe all musicians should aspire to be singers, and the leader of a band

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