Never Slap A Killer

3 years ago

Hey Everybody! I'm here with another video today, and we will be talking about the importance of getting a result if you ever have to put your hands on somebody. Above all, you have to be completely devoid of choice before you use the tools I teach. When faced with a situation of grievous bodily harm, you need to take actions that have real results. Otherwise, the consequences could be your life. Especially if you assume it's just another "man dance" between alpha males and not somebody with pure intent to do harm.

00:00 Introduction
00:37 Never Slap A Killer
01:08 It's Critical To Always Get A Result
01:22 A Lot Of Training Scenarios Are A Fast Track To Prison
01:54 My Threshold For Using My Tools; Being Devoid Of Choice
02:37 Example Of A Situation That Was Totally Avoidable
03:13 Video Of A Parking Lot Incident
05:48 He Slaps The Killer & Bang! Bang! Bang!
07:00 Difference Between Shutting The Other Guy Up & Pure Intent To Do Harm
07:24 This Didn't Have To Happen
08:16 I Treat Everybody Like They're Six Seconds From A Shooting Spree
08:27 The Information Is For Survival Purposes Only
08:49 In Closing & Please Subscribe To The Channel

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