Politics of our time

4 years ago

11/29/6998* [5778] 4th day of the week 02/14/18
Published 01/23/6999* [5778] 2nd day of the week/sundown [04/08/18]

1st Verse

Your secret societies;
Your Free Mason chants;
Your Illuminati cipher;
Your globalist rants;

Your, far left leanings;
Your race baiting kick;
Your open borders plan;
Your divide and conquer shtick;

2nd Verse

Your one sided debate;
Your censorship of truth;
Your (MSM) propaganda of hate;
Your claims with no proof;

Your obedience to evil;
Your anti-Messi`Yah laws;
Your dedication to death;
Your: Islamic UN cabal;


This is the politics of our time;
Grisled bay horses of Zekaryah six;
Shadow government staging, evil tricks.
This is the politics of our time.

This is the politics of our time;
White, white horses of Zekaryah six;
Man made government staging, evil tricks;
This is the politics of our time.

3rd Verse

Your, NWO Spirit;
Your breath smells like the devil;
Your desire to destroy purity;
Your need to be un-level;

These facts points to one,
The rival of old;
The champion of none;
The Serpent with temporary hold;

Guitar Lead


This is the politics of our time;
Grisled bay horses of Zekaryah six;
Shadow government staging, evil tricks.
This is the politics of our time;

This is the politics of our time;
White, white horses of Zekaryah six;
Man made government staging, evil tricks;
This is the politics of our time;


4th Verse

Yahvshua did warn;
About this slippery snake;
The theft in the night:
Who steals, kills and devastates;

The one that accused Yob;
The alien from outer space;
The nightmare of your dreams;
The slayer of the human race;


This is the politics of our time;
Grisled bay horses of Zekaryah six;
Shadow government; staging evil tricks.
This is the politics of our time;

This is the politics of our time;
White, white horses of Zekaryah six;
Man made government; staging evil tricks;
This is the politics of our time;

5th Verse

Evil has picked you;
You are his wicked bride;
Demon-cratic Party;
Because you are full of lies;

It only makes sense;
As Scripture describes;
His best man will be;
More details I’ll provide:

6th Verse

A Wild-man a donkey
An ass if you will;
His hand against every-man;
And what he wants even still;

A global Caliphate;
His aim he does hide;
See your party seal;
The image does reveal;


This is the politics of our time;
Grisled bay horses of Zekaryah six;
Shadow government; staging evil tricks.
This is the politics of our time;

This is the politics of our time;
White, white horses of Zekaryah six;
Man made government; staging evil tricks;
This is the politics of our time;

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