Pisces New Moon Energy Today!-Mar. 13, 2021

4 years ago

NOTE: I said a few minutes into the video "start, middle, beginning" and I meant to say "start, middle, end."

New moon energy today!

Let's work on giving that ole' ego away!

March Specials on various sessions are available online now at www.healingourenergy.ca

Class # 7 Equinox Class is being offered on Saturday, March 20, 2021 @ 5:30 pm Eastern. Send an email to cynthia@healingourenergy.ca to join.

Wednesday Group Meditations at 7:00 - 8:30 pm Eastern via GoToMeeting. Send an email to cynthia@healingourenergy.ca to join. You will receive a Paypal invoice for $10.00 Can., & upon receipt of payment, the link for the meeting will be emailed to you.

March 2021 Newsletter can be viewed at www.healingourenergy.ca

To book your personal appointment, visit www.healingourenergy.ca

email: cynthia@healingourenergy.ca

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