The Jesuit Vatican Shadow Empire 138 - Be Not Afraid!

3 years ago

In this video I want to look at the concept of “Betrayal” which will become rampant in the days ahead. If you have experienced betrayal then you already understand the deep effects emotionally and psychologically the act of betrayal can have on someone. Many people’s lives have been totally shattered by one act of betrayal from which they never recovered. Betrayal is an act with “Deep” repercussions on individuals and society as a whole. Many have been betrayed and gone to their deaths because of it!

What do the scriptures have to say about betrayal. Maybe the most famous example of betrayal is that of Judas betraying the Lord Jesus to his enemies for 30 pieces of silver. Peter also betrayed him by denying Christ 3 times. Another example is Joseph being betrayed by his brothers into slavery. We can also cite the example of Samson betrayed by Delilah, Saul betraying David and the King of Egypt reneging on his word to Moses and the nation of Israel and there are many more. Betrayal and UNFAITHFULNESS go hand in hand. What does God say about betrayal?

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