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2020-02-25 - 2020 Enoch Calendar
Enoch Calendar PDF: - NOTES: 2020 Enoch Calendar
2021 through 2024 Calendars here: - NOTES: 2021-23 Calendars
The Last Page is the "Calendar Key": - VIDEO: Why the Book of Enoch and the Calendar Key Sep 8, 2016
Enoch Calendar Playlist: - PLAYLIST: Enoch Calendar
Nice video! Thanks for sharing! Where can we find the sabbath songs for each week?
For the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice goto the comments in last years Calendar: - VIDEO: Announcing the 2019 Enoch Priestly Calendar Mar 12, 2019
Hi Leeland, this is awesome thank you! Question regarding Passover and first fruits. Passover being Jesus’s death and first fruits being the resurrection. Should it be 3 days?
Passover was feast with disciples. He was crucified later after a handful of trails
Brother I think you might be 1 of 2 witnesses , I will find out on Nov, 10 2021... Much love and blessings to you brother Leeland ...
No, I wouldn't say that. They'll be powerful
The month of 10,11,12 are those October November December as we know it
No, months 10, 11, 12 begin mid Dec, Jan, feb.
Do you have a video where you demonstrate the additional week “leap week”, how it’s added, after how many years is the week added? With the The Book of Enoch chapter and verse?
Also First Fruits falls on day 26 of Month 1 for the Dead Sea Scrolls community, could you please explain why on the presented calendar it falls on day 19?
Every 5 years. Found Esther 1: - VIDEO: The Revelation Esther Enoch Calendar Aug 26, 2019
Christ was resurrected after 3 days and nights in grave on Firstfruits the 19th of 1st month, not the 26th.
Which book of Enoch? It’s my understanding that there are 3 books.
Only the first book of Enoch is recommended
What is your thinking’s on the day of the lord?
The whole Apocalypse is the Day of the Lord, "I was in the Spirit on the Lord's day," Rev 1:10. You have to be in the spirit to see it "and hear the great voice, as of a trumpet."
Leeland Jones I am confused about the seals and trumpets and I am sorry to ask you to go over everything just for me but I believe you and want to know better. I wish you to help me understand the seals and trumpets .
I guess I have been expecting to hear the loud trumpets from heaven and our Lord to come sooner rather than afterwards. Wishful thinking and Revelation is a hard book. Much love for you Leeland♥️♥️♥️
We are seeing the Trumpets manifest more strongly.
Certainly this has been covered: What time is it? - VIDEO: What Time is it? Revelation Timeline! Aug 25, 2019
And "Don't let the Winds Blow": - VIDEO: Don't let the Trumpets Blow Until… Aug 28, 2019
Additionally we enter the entering in of the Promised Land after the Second Census and the book of Joshua.
Very good information.thank you brother Leeland. Growing up in Nebraska on a farm we never harvested on a particular day....but when temp and conditions were right and only after the brain was turned to particular color. Only then would we gather it ..could not be too early or violated because grIn would fall on ground from the heads. Question as to what about what YeHoVaH told Moses of head of months when barley is Abib/Aviv? This would have had to be an observation in order to make first fruits offering. for Feast of Unleavened Bread. Possible April could have been too late and fruit fallen to the ground..
Abib begins mid-march, Passover is first week of april, Dt 16:9 "from such time as thou beginnest to put the sickle to the corn."
Did you say this is the seventh year in the cycle? If so, can you talk a little about how you know. I’ve written out the Zaddok priestly order from Dead Sea scrolls and the calendar found there. I couldn’t find any information on the seventh year...
The years are found in the book of Esther. 3.5 after the king sits on the throne there's a feast of 7 days, this a leap week. We applied these 7 days before calendar year 2014 which was when the Lamb opened the seals. And the leap week again before calendar year 2019. - VIDEO: Cyrus Decree=》62 Weeks to 3/12 + 7 Weeks to Passover Feb 8, 2019
How to start the Year: - VIDEO: Don't let the Trumpets Blow Until… Aug 28, 2019
I used to have a copy of the 6 years of the calendar with lunar cycles found in the dead sea scrolls but I can't see to find it. Can you show me.
Is the calendar the same anywhere in the world? If I fly to China, for example, is the calendar a day off? I'm a little confused about that
Jerusalem is the center of time instead of Greenwich England. East is where the Day starts sooner than the west just like the Gregorian calendar.
shalom brother...i love the work you have done...i do use this calendar and as you may have noticed with everyone who does they dont start at the same are exactly a week early from mine because i see the 25th as the logical start...reason is why would Yah put this out there in a way no one could agree on?....there has to be a rule we are missing...and i believe we need to look very hard at the start start before the equinox occurs makes no sense to me if you look at it from a cultural stand point...did they have folks all over the place with cell phones back then? not being stupid i do have a when the guy sees the equinox then he has the time a day or more to take that info back to the tribes elder priests what have you....if you start before the equinox your assuming...but if you wait till the event takes place then go to the first available 4th day and everyone starts because they dont have technology that can get that information back sooner...then it seems to me that everyone would be on the same doesn't make sense to me that Yah would sneak up on us with the importance placed on his appointed times...i have everything the same as you do except this year we will be a week apart...the equinox occurs on the 19th so why start the count on the 18th? makes more sense to let everyone know the equinox has been seen...go back and adjust your calendars...and they would know based on the day it happened on and what day is the first available 4th day after it has happened.. everyone would set their calendars the we have to establish is it the week of? or is it before?..or is it after....logic tells me after it is seen always...much love and shalom brother i look forward to your response.
I always seek confirmation to the calendar here are 12 observed over the years.
● Sign of the Woman Clothed with the Sun occurred on the Day of Atonement 2017
●144 Cubit New Jerusalem Wall shows Enoch Calendar - VIDEO: New Jerusalem Inner Wall - 144000 and City - Great Multitude May 16, 2016
●Asteroid Erigone Eclipses King star Regulus on Mar 19, 2014 starting the Year and Seal judgments - WEBSITE ARTICLE: Photos and Images: Asteroid 163 Erigone Eclipses Bright Star in Rare Celestial Event By Staff March 18, 2014
●Blood Moons / Lunar eclipse every Passover and Tabernacles for 3 years 2014 - 2016 - VIDEO: Critical you know Enoch Calendar with Solar/Lunar Eclipses, FAQs Mar 21, 2016
●Star of Bethlehem marks fast of 4th month 2015
●9th of Av 2015 the Baphomet statue - VIDEO: Baphomet Goat Statue fulfills Dan 8 and 790 days from 9th of Av Aug 20, 2015
●Sand storm over Israel caused 2 day delay of Trumpets 2015. - VIDEO: 2 Day delay confirmed Enoch Calendar on Trumpets Sep 21, 2015
●Star of Bethlehem starts Esthers Preparation
●Solar eclipse on Purim 2016 - VIDEO: Esthers Year - Halfway at Purim and Solar Eclipse Feb 8, 2017
●Woman clothed w/ the Sun on Day of Atonement 2017 - VIDEO: Tribulation started Sept 22nd 2017 from Daniel's Timeline Jul 29, 2015
●Woman clothed w/ the Sun 2011 to 2017 2184 days =364×6 - NO LONGER AVAILABLE
●Lunar eclipse 1335th day 2021
Video on Signs: - VIDEO: 11 Confirmation Signs of the Enoch Calendar Jul 23, 2017
Hopefully, this video explains the start of the Year: - VIDEO: How to Start the Year with Enoch Calendar? Feb 27, 2020
I was so blessed by you explaining this Enoch calendar. When I saw Philadelphia for this month I went and spent some time In Revelation and pondering the message to that community. It was so encouraging and strengthening….as I have been going through a very long trial since 2016. Also, it lead to a path of researching “open doors” in scripture. (and one path lead me to Psalms 119….a psalm I had recently been meditating on….last two Shabbats.) You work hard and your videos are appreciated…thank you for generously serving the body of Messiah building up believers in these dark times. Shalom,
Blessings to you. I have several messages on the topic and other you might enjoy in Garden of Eden: - PLAYLIST: Garden of Eden
In the Millennial Temple there's no veil and no door before the Holy of Holies, open door.
Then he went into the inner room and measured the jambs of the entrance, two cubits; and the entrance, six cubits; and the sidewalls on either side of the entrance, seven cubits. And he measured the length of the room, twenty cubits, and its breadth, twenty cubits, across the nave. And he said to me, “This is the Most Holy Place.” Ezk 41:3
7 cubits X 20.6 inches in cubit is 144 cubits (c:
shalom Brother , i have a small question for you ?! if what you say is true and the Passover should be every year on the same year then why it is written that our Lamb , YAHshua Hamaschiah died on friday (when it was the feast of Passover ) because it is written in John 19 : 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. 31 Now it was the day of Preparation, and the next day was to be a special Sabbath. Because the Jewish leaders did not want the bodies left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they asked Pilate to have the legs broken and the bodies taken down. 32 The soldiers therefore came and broke the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, and then those of the other. 33 But when they came to Jesus and found that he was already dead, they did not break his legs. the next day after his death was Sabbath . so on your Calendar we have Passover on Tuesday which is false :) thank you so much for the Informations , am searching for the true Calendar to celebrate the feasts on it true time .
How is he 3 days and 3 nights in the grave if Passover is Friday? Jn 20:1 -- The first day of the week (Sunday) cometh Mary Magdalene early
Ex 12:1 This month shall be unto you the beginning of months: it shall be the first month of the year to you. 6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month:
Enoch Calendar
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