2019-03-31 - Temple at Center of Time - Spring Equinox 2019

3 years ago

2019 Enoch Calendar https://drive.google.com/file/d/1t_Yi… - NOTES: 2019 Enoch Calendar
https://youtu.be/bdLTYkMs2js - VIDEO: Announcing Jerusalem Royal Time, the New Meridian Oct 9, 2018
Why does that have a 2 3 there?
does that number 23 mean genocide, seems very odd they would have the number 23 on your sun dial
The Sundial points measure:
(1) Summer Solstice
(2) (3) Vernal Autumnal Equinox
(4) Nov 14th
(5) Winter Solstice
Archaeology on Essene Gate, "we now have sufficient evidence not only to identify our gate as the Gate of the Essenes but also to conclude that a community of Essenes lived here on Mount Zion in Jesus' time." http://www.centuryone.org/essene.html - WEBSITE: Jerusalem's Essene Gateway
Westminster Tower, now known as Elizabeth Tower was finished in the mid 19th century and the bell Big Ben, was in the clock tower then. Please send link to information about the clock mechanism as I've never heard it before.
Sorry, didn't fact check but the "message" of the story remains.
It was same time as Big Ben and England took it because of jealousy. Ah, ok it was taken to London as it rivaled Big Ben, go to check sources ©
"The Ottomans built the 13-meter-high clock tower on a square building above Jaffa Gate next to the castle. After seven years of work, it was finished just before the silver anniversary of Sultan Abdul Hamid II’s throne accession in 1909. It cost around 20,000 francs. The architectural masterpiece received visitors from Jaffa to Hebron, and it included four clocks that visitors could see from various quarters. After the fall of Palestine under British rule, the Lovers of Jerusalem Society, whose members were Britons, Arabs, and Jews, issued a decision to remove the clock tower in 1922. The society’s stated goal was supposedly the protection and development of Jerusalem and its inhabitants, but it was actually created to improve the image of the British occupation of the city. The society decided to remove the clock tower under the pretext that it was in competition with Big Ben in London, and that it was too ugly. The real goal, however, was to remove the memory of the sultan from the minds of the population. Residents violently objected to that decision, so much so that there was a rumor that the military governor Storrs backed down because of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s objection to the removal of the tower because it was an Ottoman monument. Nevertheless, Storrs transferred the clock to a small tower built on the square opposite the building of the new municipality of Jerusalem outside Jaffa Gate. When people continued to object to that action he was forced to destroy it and transfer the clock to the British Museum."
Just wondering where you got the Big Ben story?! The mechanism was designed and built in England by two Englishmen in 1853. Why would they steal an old mechanism from Israel?
Thanks, brother, you mustn't spread wrong information, people take it really seriously coming from you. Blessings.
Agreed. It's difficult going on tours and then fact checking every detail but the story of "stealing time" remains. The people will see and know.
Maybe we'll England's treasures back where they belong per Isa 23. Of Tyre and Tarshish
And her merchandise and her hire shall be holiness to the Lord: it shall not be treasured nor laid up; for her merchandise shall be for them that dwell before the Lord,

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