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2018-02-09 - Announcing the 2018 Enoch Calendar
2018 Calendar - NOTES: 2018 Calendar
Additional Calendar Graphs - NOTES: Calendar Patterns
Calendar Key - VIDEO: Why the Book of Enoch and the Calendar Key Sep 8, 2016
Confirmation Signs - VIDEO: 11 Confirmation Signs of the Enoch Calendar Jul 23, 2017
Sabbath Pattern - VIDEO: New Sabbath Pattern - Smyrna and Philadelphia, Esthers Preperation Sep 4, 2016
40 days X 9 Cycle - VIDEO: 40 x 9 cycle, Watching the 9th of Av and 19th of Elul Jul 1, 2016
This is from a subscriber, amazing:
I had a revelation out of the blue, the Holy Spirit informed me that your calendar layout, of the stair stepped Sabbaths, is a view of Jacobs Ladder. Wow! I know the Ladder is multi dimensional prophecy stuff but I was given this revelation that this is a layer of that prophecy.
Wow! Thought I would share.
Sure, if 2018 is when you start your calendar, you'll have a different starting point but I've been doing this 5 years, not one.
Leeland Jones I am trying to understand the Enoch calendar the New Year Stars before spring equinox why doesn't it start the day after the Spring Equinox I'm not sure I understand why is it starting before the Spring Equinox if the Spring Equinox is the time we are to look at for the beginning of a new year why are we starting the new year before the Spring Equinox we don't start the day after the Spring Equinox just wanted to know your thoughts on that and even if we started the day after the Spring Equinox the first day will still be on a Wednesday and the Sabbath will still be the same just was wondering
The North and South Gates have 7 (Sabbath) Steps in Ezekiel's Temple Ezk 40
Amos 9:6 It is he that buildeth his *stories in the heaven, and hath founded his troop in the earth; he that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The Lord ( יְהוָֹה yhwh) is his name.
*Stories מַעֲלָה ma‘ălâ; elevation, a journey to a higher place, a superiority of station, things that come up, degree, steps, stairs
When you started using the Enoch calendar, how did you find out the very first day of the year?
First day equal 12 hrs starts at sun down, making the following day number 364.
Remember, the day starts at evening.
In 2014 March 16 happens to be equal at sundown in Jerusalem which is the 17th.
Following day is 364 the 18th making the 19th the 1st day of the year.
Qumran records application of Enoch’s calendar over 6 years. The first month, 1st year has what we call a "Blue Moon" with a Full Moon on day 1 and another on day 30. This would happen right after the Spring Equinox, an Extremely rare occurence.i searched 80 years and 2014 was the closest I could find, also 24 years later.
I go over this here: - VIDEO: Critical you know Enoch Calendar with Solar/Lunar Eclipses, FAQs Mar 21, 2016
Obviously the Moon will never show a consistent pattern with the Sun or 364 day calendar annually.
I analyzed the calendar in the Dead Sea Scrolls which showed 6 years with lunar cycles.
Their 1st month of year one was what we call a Blue Moon, full moon on the 1st and 30th.
This would have to come the day after the day of equal day/night in Jerusalem.
Closest I could see was 2014, there was a Full Moon on Mar 16th and Apr 15th Blood Moon. This after searching some 50-60 years. Everything else lined up perfectly, the 364 day Mar 18th, day 1 of month 1, the 4th day of the week, the Sabbath and later all the other signs.
2014 is when the Lamb opened the Seal and is also the 1st Lunar Tetrad or Blood Moons.
3.5 years × 364 =1,274 and The exact number of days between March 19th 2014 and Sept 13th 2017.
Ten days later is Atonement, Sept 22nd, the Sign of the Woman clothed with the Sun, Rev12.
The book of Esther has the Kings wrath occurring during 3.5 years, the time of the Seals/wrath of the Lamb.
This calendar therefore started with year 1 in 2014. The solar cycle is 365.24 days a year, do the math, it's a 364 days calendar.
Blessings dear brother! Can you recommend in order, where to start in your videos to understand your calendar from the beginning. I am looking for clarity from the beginning as to how you have come to the dates you are going by today for the feasts. I always thought the signs in the heavens (luminaries, etc) determined the calculations, i.e. the full moon was always at the Passover, etc. This calendar doesn't follow this, so I want to go back to the beginning to have a better understanding of what you are teaching, and where these dates are coming from. If you can tell me where to start and end with your calendar teachings that would be wonderful! Thanks Leeland! Shalom!
Yes, thanks for asking. In the early messages in the Enoch Calendar Playlist, I share how i came to believe the 364 day calendar described in the book of Enoch is correct. - PLAYLIST: Enoch Calendar
Information from the Dead Sea Scrolls, House of David 24 Priests and the feast days in the scriptures contribute to this calendar.
Shalom, might you have time to confirm dates for, Atonement, feasts- and Sabbaths - for- September, please? Atonement is esp important..! Thank you!
2 days after jewish calendar or you could download it to read it yourself
Great video, downloading those links. I read the book of Adam and eve, once, and studied the book of Jubilees; something stood out while watching your video. Have you thought to count time with the jubilee notion? 49yrs, 50th is the jubilee and that is one Sabbath, a week the the 7th time period equating to 1 or 1 week? Also, what if, before the period of when the 🌞 🌙 🌟 were made that time went by season and not years? Yet the affect of that on the physical land shows science a much longer effect of the period of those seasons. Things were more dense in the ancient days. Rain wasn't even the same as it is today, story of Noah shows they didn't know rain how we do...
If I understand you correctly, you're saying apply the cycle of the Jubilee of years to a cycle of weeks?
Year 49, the year 50 is Jubilee.
So count weeks 7 x 7 to 49 and 50 is the week of Pentecost for example.
That's actually what we've done as deciphered in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
"The festivals that were used to celebrate the changing of seasons include the festival of New Wheat, New Wine and New Oil, related to the Jewish festival of Shavuot. According to the calendar, the wheat festival took place 50 days after the Shabbat that followed Passover. Fifty days later, the wine harvest festival came and 50 days after that was the oil harvest festival."
This way of celebrating wheat, oil, wine 50 days apart after Shavout is the same thing discovered as the "7 Church" cycle in the Enoch Calendar.
7 x 7 is 49 days x 7 cycles, then 50 is Pentecost.
Can you explain your understanding of intercalation, how many days and how often? I saw it in one of your videos a while back back can't remember which one. Thanks!
I just discovered and posted it a few weeks ago - VIDEO: Cyrus Decree=》62 Weeks to 3/12 + 7 Weeks to Passover Feb 8, 2019
It's a week.
Real quick question... How many days between 2/17 and 7/17?
I have a question about Shavuot. I see you have it in the 3rd month (spring), but I have found some compelling research that suggests it is actually in the 4th month (summer). Based Lev 23:15-16 it makes more sense to me that the count is rendered 7 sabbaths after the wave offering. THEN 50 more days from the day after the 7th sabbath. This lands Shavuot in summer around the 25th-ish day of the 4th month... ??? When I think of the Menorah and the feast cycles, the 4th candle is Pentecost/Law on Sinai. Some research I've read shows the law was not given on 6th of Sivan, but later. I'm not dogmatic about this - I am honestly seeking truth and wisdom. So far, I find Shavuot in the 4th month to be more compelling - and it makes the feast of weeks a much longer and more mysterious time. Thank you for your time and studies! I'm eager to learn more about the Enoch calendar. The Lord has laid "calendar" on my heart for the last few months. Here is one link on Shavuot should you feel led to look into it. Maybe you already have and have dismissed the idea. Blessings.
No Shavout is the 3rd month also marked by counting 1335 days from the Feast of Trumpets and the 50 day cycle mentioned in this message.
Hi Leeland, I just printed off the new 2018 calendar thank you so much. I was looking at March 24th on the calendar where you have a 7 circled in yellow.. can you tell me what that signifies? Thank you!
Ah yes of course. This is the counsel of 7 Ecclesia/churches discussed in the video.
We are now in Philadelphia and that 7 is Laodicea. After Shavout (50th Week) it starts again with (1) Ephesus - Rev 2-3.
Is there a link to calander or can someone post dates in comments please? Thank you have to get dates to My boss asap for scheduling.
Trumpets - Sept 12th
Day Atonement - Sept 21st
Tabernacles - Sept 26th to Oct 2nd
Dedication - Dec 5th to 12th
This month, the 5th month is the same as the Jewish calendar.
Shalom brother can you explain Enoch ch. LXXVIII verse 2-3 about "From this is the beginning of the month; and its decrease is effected in the sixth gate in its period, until a hundred and seventy-seven days are completed; according to the mode of computation by weeks, 1 twenty-five weeks and two days"?
Gates are positions on the horizon where the Sun rises. In the seasons the Sun is in 6 gates and this is the duration of time (days) in the gates.
April1 (First Fruits) is our Easter Sunday, Jesus is the First Fruit sacrifice offering --quite amazing how this all adds up - VIDEO: Repent of Pagan Christmas and Easter, Ez8 Overcome the Beast Jan 12, 2016
I have a question, the Lord recently led me to find the true calandar so I've been watching In a dream about a year or so ago, I saw what looked like a clock but not like we have here on looked like the top left one you show, now in dream I ripped off everything but numbers 8,9, and 10...that was the last number, no other after in each section as you have, it read, 1 little indian, then under 2 it said 2 little indians all the way up to the 10..I have a youtube channel where i shared this...I receive dreams and I am stumped on what I was shown...I pray you may be able to help
10 is not a normal number associated with intervals of time.
For example 4 seasons, 7 week,12 hours/months, 24 hours, 30 days, 50 jubilee/pentecost, 360 days, etc.
However a couple things come to mind.
First 10 days is testing, Daniel 1, church at Smyrna, days leading to Atonement and from Nisan 1 to 10th for passover lamb.
Secondly, 10 is a one and a zero code for digital language of 1's and 0's in computer software.
Zero as a word or number in English is cipher imported from the Arabic word sifr based on the word safara, meaning "to be empty".
Also the word for "nothing" (nought) was sifr.
This relates to the Hebrew and the word: סֵפֶר sêp̱er; or çiphrah (Psa. 56:8 (9)), sif-raw« ;it means writing (the art or a document); a book: — bill, book, evidence, x learn(-ed) (-ing), letter, register, scroll
It's also where we get the English word cipher or decipher. Therefore it means something is hidden and must be decoded or deciphered.
In this case I dont think it has anything to do with time but a Person, Alpha (1) and Omega (0). He is First and Last. 9 is the number before 10, thus Alpha and Omega is coming soon.
hi brother - i have been watching nick vanderlaan - but i need to watch others on this have started march on the 14th can i ask why that is - i am at the understanding that we count from the vernal equinox which apperently started on the 21st march which would then be your 1st month until 21st april which would then be the second month......can you help me out with this please.....thankyou and GOD BLESS..
It's mentioned in the video and in comments.
This is Year 5 of this Enoch Calendar, any version of the calendar will have the same challenge, it's a 364 day calendar in a 365.24 solar cycle!
Yes, the First day equal day/nite of 12 hrs at sun down in Jerusalem marks the following day as number 364. This then is the starting point of the beginning of the Year, but what do you do about the next year and the year after that?
Leeland, how did you arrive at putting the priestly courses where you did? I’ve been referring to this calendar a lot and when I look up Abijah for example, research says he was the 8th priestly course, which would have put him in a different place then where you put him. Help?
I went with the info from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
The first year of applying tthe 24 Priests/Elders was 2014. I basically ddid the same thing they did in thier first year.
Day starts at Evening
Gen 1:1-5 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness. And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the EVENING and the morning were the first day
You can see creation started with "darkness on the face of the deep." Clearly it says the Evening and then the Morning are the pattern of a day.
Ex 12:18 In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, ye shall eat unleavened bread, until the one and twentieth day of the month at EVENING.
Passover agrees with this as its Evening when it starts.
Ezekiel's Temple agrees with Evening beginning a day when the gate is shut.
Ezk 46:3 Then he shall go out, but the gate shall not be shut until EVENING. The people of the land shall bow down at the entrance of that gate before the Lord on the Sabbaths and on the new moons.
First day equal 12 hrs starts at sun down, making the following day number 364. Remember, the day starts at evening.
March 16 happens to be equal at sundown in Jerusalem which is the 17th.
Following day is 364 the 18th making the 19th the 1st day of the year.
Was the date different for Israel May 14th, 1948 ( also, announcent of Israel in November of 1947) on the Enoch Calendar as opposed to the Gregorian Calendar?
I haven't been able to go back that far with the Enoch Calendar, only have it going back to 2010. Nov 1947 was the UN "decree" then 70 years to 2017. The Feasts of Weeks in the 3rd month is what we are counting per Daniel 9.
1948 + 62 = 2010
2010 + 7 = 2017
2017 + 1 = 2018
According to the book of Enoch there are 4 extra days that separate the seaons at the last month. These are the 12 hr equal days or equinoxes. According to the equinox for spring 2018 in Jerusalem it is March 16. So the first day of spring would be March 17.
Maybe your estimation of the calendar is off by 3 days? It would be interesting to see when the sabath is by using the first day as march 17th.
Count the days between the solstices and equinoxes, you'll see it's not 90 days between each. I know you're new to the calendar and that it's exciting. Try doing one yourself and you'll see how hard it is.
To those who ask why the sabbath day or seventh days seems moving based on the video above, I also want to ask you this, Is 'monday, tuesday,' wednesday,thursday,friday,saturday,sunday' specifically mentioned in the bible or in the book of Enoch? Or does the scriptures say a specific name for the first day to the seventh day? If that is so, how can we know that the seventh falls on the same seventh day of the previous week?
We talk about it here... - VIDEO: sABBAth Seal 777 verses the 666 Mark Feb 27, 2018
Rev12 Woman clothed with the Sun (1), and the Moon (2) under her feet, and upon her head a crown of 12 stars:
(3) Mars, (4) Mercury, (5) Jupiter, (6) Venus, (7) Saturn
Thus the days of a Week.
The other 7 Stars of Rev12 are in His right hand in Rev 1:20.
But then I got further confirmation on the asteroid belt of former planet Rahab Isa 51:9 was the 6th planet making Saturn the 7th, Saturn(day). Thus the 7th planet is the 7th day.
Enoch Calendar
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