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2017-07-23 - 11 Confirmation Signs of the Enoch Calendar
●144 Cubit New Jerusalem Wall shows Enoch Calendar - VIDEO: New Jerusalem Inner Wall - 144000 and City - Great Multitude May 16, 2016
●Asteroid Erigone Eclipses King star Regulus on Mar 19, 2014 starting the Year and Seal judgments - ARTICLE: Photos and Images: Asteroid 163 Erigone Eclipses Bright Star in Rare Celestial Event
●Blood Moons / Lunar eclipse every Passover and Tabernacles for 3 years 2014 - 2016 - VIDEO: Critical you know Enoch Calendar with Solar/Lunar Eclipses, FAQs Mar 21, 2016
●Star of Bethlehem marks fast of 4th month 2015
●9th of Av 2015 the Baphomet statue - VIDEO: Baphomet Goat Statue fulfills Dan 8 and 790 days from 9th of Av Aug 20, 2015
●Sand storm over Israel caused 2 day delay of Trumpets 2015. - VIDEO: 2 Day delay confirmed Enoch Calendar on Trumpets Sep 21, 2015
●Star of Bethlehem starts Esthers Preparation
●Solar eclipse on Purim 2016 - VIDEO: Esthers Year - Halfway at Purim and Solar Eclipse Feb 8, 2017
●Woman clothed w/ the Sun on Day of Atonement 2017 - VIDEO: Tribulation started Sept 22nd 2017 from Daniel's Timeline Jul 29, 2015
●Woman clothed w/ the Sun 2011 to 2017 2184 days =364×6 - NOT AVAILABLE
●Lunar eclipse 1335th day 2021 2017 Calendar - VIDEO: Announcing the 2017 Enoch Calendar Feb 8, 2017
"Enoch Calendar Playlist… - PLAYLIST: Enoch CalendarThe most recent notes are compiled in this pdf - NOTES: Apocalypsis Scroll"
It's called the First 7 Years and is up to 44 pages.
The next message will need to be added then I'll be focusing on years 8-14, the 70th week
If the 7th Seal opens in September, where and when was the great 6th Seal earthquake?
Right, well, the best I can tell that and the Tsunami have yet to happen
☆ = Check, □ Unchecked
☆ 1st Seal White horse rider - apostate church
☆ 2nd Seal Red horse - wars/rumors
☆ 3rd Seal Black horse - financial woes
☆ 4th Seal Pale horse - pestilence, 1/4 planet is Fukushima, also animals dying
☆ 5th Seal Souls under Altar - ISIS 6th Seal □ great earthquake
☆ sun became black as sackcloth
☆ moon became as blood
☆ stars of heaven fell unto the earth
☆ every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
☆ kings of the earth hiding in dens
□ Tsunami
□ Son of Man comes in the clouds, the face of Him that sitteth on the throne for every eye to see
□ Seal the servants on their foreheads
I could imagine the quake is after the year of preparation ends. But I expected the great earthquake AS... the 6th Seal opened. (?) The tsunami could be the same day.
I suppose if your reading Rev 6 and Mat 24 as a single moment of time, certainly a lot would have to happen. I have a chart on all the 6th Seal events and there's many things going on. It seems it starts with the great eartheqake but now that we are in the time, we know the blood moons and solar eclipses happened as described in the 6th Seal. However, they happen over 3.5 years! So technically the 6th Seal, along with the rest of the Seals are fulfilled over several years.
1 Pet 4:12-14 Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy. If ye be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye; for the spirit of glory and of God resteth upon you: on their part he is evil spoken of, but on your part he is glorified
He's coming soon and will He find faith on the earth?
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