2015-02-24 - Jubile 2015! What it Means!

3 years ago

See the first video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKq5C...​ - VIDEO: 2015 is the Year of Jubile!!! Dec 30, 2014
7 sided Sabbath, Jubilee, 1260 Day Pattern https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-8E...​ - NOTES: SabbathJubilee1260Pattern
120 / 8 = 15
144,00 / 120 / 8 / 15 = 10
How many jubelies we have now from adam to the present ?
122 There's a message on Creation Timeline. It's year 6107
I haven't watched this vid yet but Like Dale, Father gave me Jer 29:11-14 years ago. I'm fro JA and thought it meant US (the place of exile) but He has been teaching (clearly) that we are from Israel. I am so grateful for you sharing...I thought we were in the 6th year of the 7 year cycle but lets hear what you have to share. Thanks for sharing...And YES Todah Abba!!
It's my understanding we are in the 49th year which is the 7th Shemitah in the Jubile cycle. If you're interested, you'll see I'm doing an entire series on this subject here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_TEzI2idqw&list=PLXqaGD7sX9gYg8tYqR9910nGj5rfeBlsB - VIDEO: 144000 vs Multitude - 2 Women, 2 Goats Feb 26, 2015
I don't understand a lot either but I was told that things will be different after 2015-2015. Also: Prepare for what is coming...prepare as one would for a natural storm...sharing for anyone else who may read. OH! An encourage from my son (before going home) - "My "family" is destined for greatness and Power. We Shall proper. My family is not limited to those in my household" - Please pray for my husband (Roger - Yosef) & I. "Pray ye one for another that you may be healed"
I will be praying, certainly that we have "eyes" to see and "ears" to hear. Also the 360 day year from June 7, 1967 49 years later ends Sept 23, 2015. This could usher in the "Day of the Lord" as noted here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erCfkGFeU1g - VIDEO BANNED
I also found it interesting also that my proposed March 25th start takes us to sept 23th "Day of Rememberance" also from 1967 war, 49 x 364 takes us to the beginning of April...Pasach  (based on my proposed Rosh Hashana) - If the (Saturday) Shabbat cycle was and has not changed then I seem to be correct in my assessment that this year we are in the 4th week of the 49 year cycle...BUT if you are correct (with your start day...and you may be) THEN; our 7th day Shabbat (Saturday) is incorrect. I continue to pray & seek so that we all can be in unity. Blessings from Yahuwah and Yahusha...to you and to ALL who are seeking...Even if we are wrong, He judges by the heart...so Hag sameach (Happy Holy Days) to all. 
Well, that's certainly interesting with the March 25th Start, Happy New Year! Iris, the one thing I don't understand is the "leap" in the Dead Sea Scroll calender, how do you account for the loss of days? That's why I have a 24 year priest cycle.
For Example
Gregorian would be 24 years x 365.25 = 8,766
This would be 24 yrs x 364 + 30 = 8,766
How did you come about this being the 4th week in the cycle?
I want to get this right as well.
Leeland Jones  Correction: 2015-2016... Also, I meant 6th (not 4th) - However, I am still unsure about what week we are in within the sabbatical cycle, since it appears the priestly cycle changes each 49 year cycle and I am not sure which of the 49 year cycle we are currently in....and there seems to be quite conflicting info available on this subject. [From the three best teachings I've gone through, one thinks we are in the 5th week of a 7th in the 121st Jubilee from creation, another the 3rd week, in the 119th jubilee and yet another (as of this year) the 48th of the 50th Jubilee since Joshua...and a few others (you may be included) believe we are in the 70th Jubilee...]. As I said, I'm not sure BUT....
Wherever we are, it appears to me that we are either in a 3rd or 6th priestly cycle...THIS I am more assured of, based on the knowledge of the last two years observation of the heavenly bodies in conjunction with the scrolls...(I believe last year was a 2nd or 5th)...
DDS says the new moon is seen on the 28th of the 12th Chodesh, a Sabbath (as it was last week)...Also, it says full moon is on the 10th of the 1st Chodesh. Both by scroll & observation that makes Chodesh 1, March 25th....and therefore Pasach April 7th.
Leeland if 2015 is a Jubilee year, your calendar info is not lining up properly...You have Hakkoz ministering at the start of the year, day 4...he ministers day 4 - day 11(the 10th day being a full moon)...which means you believe we are in the 3rd year of a 7th. Note that year 3 & 6 are identical except for who is ministering - year 6 has Petahiah...
I happen to think this March 2015 starts the 6TH YEAR...BUT 7TH sabbatical (at the 7th Chodesh)...therefore, Sept 23rd (TRUMPET) = start of 49th shabbatical year. So if 2015-2016 = 49th year; then Sept. 2016 - 2017 will be THE Jubilee year.
I used to think the sabbatical year started in the spring but I'm strongly leaning towards the idea that THE land Sabbaths started in the fall at seedtime..."...for 6 years sow..." First you sow, then at the beginning of harvest (Abib) you start the year of the moed...I'm still pondering/meditating...This just came to me the last couple of weeks...
As for the 5 days differential every 4 years...will discuss at another time..this response is already quite lengthy...
May the Blessings of The Mosh High continue to be upon you...and those who seek.
Here is a link (Sabbath song) showing that the 7th Sabbath is the 16th of the month - that is 2 days after the 2nd Passover. http://www.ibiblio.org/expo/deadsea.scrolls.exhibit/Library/songs.html - WEBSITE: Dead Sea Scrolls -- Songs
English Translation of Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice (Shirot `Olat ha-Shabbat)
Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority (9)
30. By the instructor. Song of the sacrifice of the seventh
Sabbath on the sixteenth of the month. Praise the God of
the lofty heights, O you lofty ones among all the
31. elim of knowledge. Let the holiest of the godlike ones
sanctify the King of glory who sanctifies by holiness
all His holy ones. O you chiefs of the praises of
32. all the godlike beings, praise the splendidly
[pr]aiseworthy God. For in the splendor of praise
is the glory of His realm. From it (comes) the praises
of all
33. the godlike ones together with the splendor of all [His]
maj[esty. And] exalt his exaltedness to exalted heaven,
you most godlike ones of the lofty elim,
and (exalt) His glorious divinity above
34. all the lofty heights. For H[e is God of gods] of all
the chiefs of the heights of heaven and King
of ki[ngs] of all the eternal councils.
(by the intention of)
35. (His knowledge) At the words of His mouth come into
being [all the lofty angels]; at the utterance
of His lips all the eternal spirits; [by the in]tention
of His knowledge all His creatures
36. in their undertakings. Sing with joy, you who rejoice
[in His knowledge with] rejoicing among the wondrous
godlike beings. And chant His glory with the
tongue of all who chant with knowledge;
and (chant) His wonderful songs of joy
37. with the mouth of all who chant [of Him. For He is]
God of all who rejoice {in knowledge}
forever and Judge in His power of all the
spirits of understanding.
that is fantastic! I think I've seen that before but not in light of Passover! Oh how the 4 Beasts and Elders Praise Him! Worthy is the Lamb that was slain!
Worthy is He indeed! And how awesome...He just reminded that He had shown me something related to that date a few months ago (confirming things)...Here is a small excerpt from my son's Biography:  
…And after six (6) days Jesus took…them up into a high mountain (Mark 9:2). In the days of Noah mankind, contaminated by fallen angels (demons) caused the earth to be polluted; hence the purging. It took Noah 100 years to build the ark - He was 600 when it was completed; and after a 7 days…(Shabbat - 2/16) it began to rain…on the 17th of the 2nd Chodesh (month) – [That’s the day after the Shabbat of the Second Passover, the 1st day it rained manna in the wilderness…AND 40 years later the manna ceased at the end of 2/16]. After the rain (40 days): the waters abated at the 14th of the 7th Chodesh; and the ark rested on the 17th of the 7th (at Tabernacles). The mountains were seen on the 1st of the 10th. Then after 40 days the windows were opened and he sent out birds (4 consecutive weeks on the 1st day after Shabbat)…3 weeks later on the 1st of the 1st (ROSH HOSHANNA!) the land was dry. Noah and company then emerged to replenish/rebuild on the 17th of the 2nd Chodesh – They were on the ark for a year of 364 Days! (Gen 7, 8, Ex.16, Joshua 5, Enoch 72, DDS calendar). Has Yah changed? I think not! It is written, that the land vomits out the people because of abominations. Isaiah 24 speaks of a major world shaking because the people broke covenant with God; allowing in the curse (הלא Allah - Job 38:13 and Dan 9:11). We are on the verge of another purging (by ‘fire’) after which the Righteous with The Builder will emerge. Are you on the ark of safety, or are you in the dark? The Moedeem are El’s timepiece. Do you know what time it is? Could it be Jeremiah 4, 16, 31? Matt. 13:24-30? Was 9/11 2001 or the crash of 2008 related to Jacob’s trouble? Are we experiencing The Woes of ‘Revelation’? According to ‘RJ’s books,’ is the world shaping up for the 3rd Woe, WW3? Are we headed for The Great Depression? And are we about to face the gravest anti-Christ movement the world has ever seen; a (Genocidal) Holocaust worse than Germany? Is this the time to prepare for a Mass Migration; for Ephraim and the rest of Abraham’s Seed (not Jewdah) to return to the Land?
I haven't forgotten about this reply, I'm still working on it but did want to share some of what might help. My understanding is that pre-flood there are no seasons and the Earth has a 0 degree axis and thus a 360 day year. No calender works in the 5 months, 150 days and 30 day months in calender mentioned in Gen 7 and 8. Enoch's is prophetic as are the seasons he mentions in his book.
Yes the crash of 2008, 2001 are Shemtiah cycles and I encourage Jonathan Cahn's book on the Shemitah. IMO we are in the period of the 6th Seal awaiting the 144k seal, then the 4 winds.

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