F00d W@r - Humans vs Robot's & Fake "food"

3 years ago

Bryson Gray albums made billboard! Get the albums here:

iTunes: https://msg.ec/pDylUg


Signed copy: https://msg.ec/7H0vGZ

Instagram: https://instagram.com/brysoncreates?igshid=1qcbdoh1dqff0

Bootube: https://m.youtube.com/c/SuriusVsVodka/videos?disable_polymer=true&itct=CBQQ8JMBGAEiEwjc1eD4zqjvAhW4xRYJHZhmD2o%3D

Ice Age Farmers: https://t.me/iceagefarmer
Featured Monsters:

☆ Hanson Robotics "News" (what they want us to know anyway & remember, they're showing us this because they've got far more advanced in secret):




☆ Gates News:



☆Tramlaw: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=tram-law
☆Thanks for stopping by!
If People you thought would protect you do not, remember God always does and in the end GOD WINS! When the evil and guilty flee from your lives don't be sad but rather, be grateful. God was protecting you from being harmed again. Peace, Love, Liberty and God's Blessings to all of You. Cover yourself with God's armor and watch the unrighteous eat themselves including their own tucked tails.♡

Pausing the video on each still sh0t in the beginning will help you read them in their entirety, if you choose to do so.

In the description of the video you will find everything you need to help you through this process of triggər truth.

Here are 2 links to help you sooth if you should find yourself triggered by this video. Do not blame the video maker but rather, take a look within yourself:



God Bless :)

Bootube is taking views away from my video, watch them at work:
3/11/21 - over 100 views
3/12/21 - 8:30 am 81 views
3/12/21 - 11 am 78 views

*If you re-stream please give a shout out to God! A shout out w/ the link's (above) to: Bryson Gray, Ice Age Farmers and Myself. Thanks, God Bless!

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