Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein Connection - BANNED FROM YOUTUBE

3 years ago

Order out of chaos. Ordo ab Chao. Problem, reaction, solution. The hidden motto of the secret societies that control world events and has allowed their agenda to permeate through the spread of fear and confusion. Today, we take a look at the modern history of this motto in action.

Because this video is so long I've provided time stamps below for easier viewing.

00:00 - Chao
23:37 - Planning the Problem - 1984 - 1992
31:10 - China Ties - 1996
36:40 - The Forgotten Plague - 1999
41:41 - Towards the New World - 2001
52:52 - Political Panic - 2003
1:00:49 - Trafficked Cure - 2005
1:02:59 - The Plea Bargain - 2008
1:04:04 - Shiva's Pestilence - 2009
1:13:33 - Planning the Reaction - 2010
1:27:57 - The Hundred Headed Hydra - 2015 - 2019
1:48:55 - Ordo Tyrannis - 2020.

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