Clarified Slurry Oil - CSO Explosion-not

3 years ago

This was a home made test to see just how explosive Clarified Slurry Oil (CSO) is.... it's not when properly weathered.

On Jan. 19, 2005, the EMC-423, a steel cargo barge, was being pushed by the tug boat Lisa E, transporting the last of three loads of concentrated slurry oil (CSO) from the Exxon Mobil plant near Joliet to the Ameropan Oil facility in Chicago. As the barge and boat cleared the Cicero Avenue Bridge, around 4:40 p.m., a massive explosion occurred killing one crew member. Both the Captain and Company were charged by the Federal government.

Clarified Slurry Oil or CSO ( ) is a process to extract from heavy hydrocarbons or heavy petroleum crude oils, to make gasoline. The process is completed by the Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) process, extracting volatile light hydrocarbons from this product, or "zines" . A process commonly known as weathering.

In exceptionally simple terms, weathering or extracting the "zines" by the FCC releases the "zines" into the atmosphere. Some facilities burn them before they are released. "Zines" are carcinogens.

Theories on the explosion's cause range from shortened weathering, a vacuum vortex caused by draining product from the tanks to quickly, drawing the "zines" back into the product or the "zines" were never adequately weathered (released), to a crew member using a propane torch to heat equipment on deck, to an internal spark caused by the barge inner structure.

EMC 423 had four separate fluid compartments. An interesting fact, thee of four barge compartments exploded. The one barge compartment unaffected by the fire/explosion was back filled with nitrogen, reducing fire risk. Nitrogen is inert, nonflammable, and is commonly used to purge/clean lines/hoses.

The barge and its CSO contents were re-floated and delivered to the client. Reportedly 95% of the product was delivered.

Federal and State investigations resulted in neglect/criminal charges. EMC has vigorously defended itself and some charges have been overturned. Eight years later litigation is still ongoing.

This video was a effort to explore CSO properties, understand how volatile weathered CSO maybe. CSO does have a MSDS on line telling specific properties.

Video of the Lisa E. pushing EMC 423 & explosion. The explosion occurs @ 1:10m.

US Coast Guard Incident Report:

US Coast Guard Report of Investigation:

Chicago Tribune Article, Lisa E. Captain given 6 months in prison:

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