PCR Test Lab Created Pandemic

3 years ago

PCR Test (Worse than the virus.)

If someone dies because they were prescribed medicine in excess the doctor usually gets off the hook because of the mindset, "well the doctor did everything they could" etc.

When hydroxychloroquine was given to patients with covid-19 in hospitals and elsewhere in the spring of 2020 in EXCESS it created a toxic effect and killed many patients who were diagnosed with covid-19.

Its wasn't the always virus that killed the patient but also the doctor's perscribed medicine in excess!

Hydroxychloroquine is safe for most people if perscribed correctly and in given in conjunction with zinc for a viral infection at the onset of a virus.

Another big cause of the "covid-19" death rate was and is the PCR test pandemic that made the world population panic.

The invalid PCR test caused fake covid-19 cases to increase which caused governments to overreact and also cause the deaths of many.

The excuse also was, "well the govenment is doing all it can to protect the people".

This is another lie.

The covid-19 pandemic was and is a manufactured fake pandemic!


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