NeuLyf FAST Emotional Trauma Healing

3 years ago

NeuLyf Emotional Trauma Healing stories: Phobia, Grief, Anxiety, OCD.

Dog Phobia: Moya's constant dread of encountering a dog was lifted, and her life transformed in one hour. She and her mom talk about how confined and stressful her life was, and how she has blossomed since she came to see me: her fear and timidity were replaced with peace and confidence.
Full Video (Part 1):​
Full Video (Part 2):​

Grief & Loss: Aishleen's son, Ronan, was not expected to survive birth, but fought to live for 5 emotional-roller-coaster months. Aishleen came to see me for two sessions shortly after the 2nd anniversary of Ronan's death, and talks about her experience here.
Full Video:​

Social Anxiety: Charmaine came to see me with debilitating social anxiety and other emotional issues, probably stemming from some serious relationship abuse when she was younger. She talks here about her new-found peace and love for life.
Full Video:​

OCD: Majella says she has an OCD tendency and explains how, as sometimes happens, an obsessive compulsion gradually took control of her life, culminating in a full-blown panic attack and severe anxiety at many social occasions. She came to see me for one session and talks about her experience, and how much better life is without her panic-inducing obsession.
Full Video:​

Mind-Body-You NeuLyf Interview:​

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People who see no way out of their emotional pain, often as a result of very severe trauma, can often be healed in the space of an hour or two, and their lives transformed forever, with the help of a skilled practitioner of relatively new and unknown technologies of the mind.

I use hypnosis, mostly an NLP-based acupressure tapping technique called FasterEFT or Eutaptics, but also techniques from other master healing hypnotists, to help my clients overcome fear, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, phobias, guilt, addiction, eating disorders, OCD, and other emotional-trauma issues.

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Note: The techniques, processes and ideas recommended by NeuLyf are not considered to be a substitute for consultation with your professional health care provider. If you have any questions about whether or not to use these techniques, please consult your physician or licensed health professional.




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