KTKK Kitchen Remodel

4 years ago

Let me know if you have questions about any of this!

Links from the video:

--Water filter: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/why-we-ditched-reverse-osmosis-drinking-water/
--Big storage jars: http://amzn.to/2a8lXtt
--Chalk labels: http://amzn.to/29VYOHs
--White baskets: http://amzn.to/29SqqBz
--My favorite electric frying pan: https://kellythekitchenkop.com/Amazon-buy-favorite-pan
--Drawer organizers: http://amzn.to/29Wdfer
--White utensils crock: http://amzn.to/2a5TK2U

Find more information and the rest of the links for all the stuff from the video here: http://kellythekitchenkop.com/our-new-kitchen-remodel-video/

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Kelly The Kitchen Kop

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