Fellow US Citizens: Recently I have been asking, "Whats the plan?"

3 years ago

Recently, I have been asking "What's the plan?". I have offered 2 plans of my own. This is someone else's plan. The point being, I don't care who restores the Republic, Constitution, Natural Law, Rule of Law, Natural Rights of the Individual, and Sovereignty of WETHEPEOPLE. I only care that it happens... It's time to Patriot-up (as opposed to man up) fellow citizens. Stop waiting for someone to rescue you. Find a way to contribute to anyone offering a reasonable plan with a chance of success in restoring what I have listed as elements of the Republic that must be restored so we can cast off the Despotism upon us. It does not have to be a big thing, it can be as simple as going to your School Board and Demanding the Constitution and Natural Law be a graduation requirement. Pick a task you are most passionate about or most qualified to do, and then just do it. We can do this person, we just have to put our minds and backs into it and resolve to persevere
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