FNC's Doocy to Psaki: Why Are Border Detention Facilities Open At Full Capacity But Not Schools?

3 years ago

PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS: The last administration is gone. Tomorrow is 50 days of Biden, and there are migrants showing up wearing t-shirts that say, "Biden, please let us in."

Candidate Biden is the one who said, "I would end this notion that for the first time in history people seeking asylum have to be in squalor on the other side of the river."

Why doesn't he come out and say now is not the time?

JEN PSAKI, WH: [President Biden] did an interview with Univision a week and a half ago where he conveyed a similar message, and we conveyed that at every opportunity that we have.

I will say we as we noted, almost 50 days in. We are digging ourselves out of a broken and dismantled system.

Roberta, Ambassador Jacobson, referenced this in her opening as well when it comes to engagement with countries, addressing the root causes. We could not start doing that until January 20 area there are programs, like the relaunching of the Central American minors program, which was ended by the prior administration in 2017, and that meant that that program, which would have allowed for people to apply from the region, we had to restart that program.

We are working to fix the mass of the last couple of years and it's going to take some time, but this is clearly a priority for the president. We're looking at a range of options, which include the opening of additional facilities. It includes steps we can take to expedite the processing, it includes application and implementation of these CDC guidelines that just cannot allow for more children to be housed safely in these facilities.

We're looking at every option possible to help address the challenges we are facing .

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