“THE OLD RUGGED CROSS” Hymn cover by Sharon Luanne Rivera on guitar 2020

3 years ago

🎚Praise God for THE OLD RUGGED CROSS To make us white as snow & all cleaned up with His blood. First, He even came to earth to be born in a smelly barn with the animals & live as a human with as many problems as us. And, it’s a free gift! Nothing we have to do!! Just accept what he did for us to wash our sins away & ask him into our hearts live & he’ll us live for him. It doesn’t get any better than that! Living in a family where you’re loved for all eternity with no pain in our bodies & where it’s so beautiful we just can’t imagine the Great things God has prepared for his kids. Thanks to the nice folks who let me use their barn & land to film! https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCIl7KBkOPWukRtKoF7iPPWg

Below is info on last posts leading up to finding the place & checking it out before I actually started shooting. Thank God I didn’t see any coyotes up in the barn. The owners said to sing loud to scare them off because they like to sleep in there😲

😊So so exciting! Thank the Lord I got to meet the nice owners of this barn today! They said I wasn’t the only one who ever asked to do a music video on their property. She said a few years ago a famous country singer did a video around their barn & he even used a drone! I asked if she remembered his name & she said she didn’t. She said he was battling cancer & wasn’t sure how he was doing now. She said to sing loud to scare the coyotes away. She said they sometimes sleep in there. So soon I’ll be going there to shoot a few songs. I’ll post my progress.

🎚So today was my first day to go up to the barn with my guitar & tripod & camera to start working on some hymns for my channel. It was a wonderful first attempt. I went around 6pm so I only had to powder my face two times to blot the sweat drops away. But then I heard a tractor cutting grass in the field across the street. So I had to keep starting over. At one point he stopped to fix his Engine & I hurried up to play & got half way through the song when he started cutting again. I tried a new microphone hooked to my shirt but had some volume distortion issues. I might go back to the iPhone EarPods tomorrow. I decided to do “The Old Rugged Cross” I think because the old rugged barn reminds me of the rugged cross of Jesus. And, how Jesus was born in a manger or barn with the smelly animals. It reminds me how He came to be a servant & live amongst us & be able to empathize with all the rugged and hard stuff we go through because he went through it all too! Well, I was hoping to have a video done today but it didn’t happen. These are just a few shots of me getting a feel for the place. Hopefully I’ll be back up there this weekend. Thanks for your prayers!

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