I dominate Bittube and am an alt-media celeb in Sweden now! Anti-covid1984-tips. India crushes Covid

3 years ago

I'm hoping for a self-propelling fame if I can lead the views on https://bittube.tv/profile/heddahenrik even if I still have quite few views there. Have a look there, as it's a very nice platform despite that it's still in beta.

The Youtube-channel "Svenska För Inblandade" (Swedish for involved. Compare: "Swedish for immigrants" is the governments program for teaching immigrants Swedish.) included my big breathe in their video:

I got a poll to answer from the polling company Inizio. I unloaded what I felt about Centerpartiet (The Center Party) that seemed to have paid for the poll, and gave the statisticians some health tips and a link to here:
Here's how to answer Inizio questions:
"In general, do you think there is a risk that the Center Party will say yes to certain demands from the Social Democrats to be allowed to sit in the Social Democratic government? Several answers possible:"
My answer:
The Center Party leadership is a bundle of sociopathic pedophile huggers and imbeciles who can do just about anything except take care of voters' interests.

"Something else you want to perform:"
It is not that difficult to discover amateur sociopaths; they want to prolong and aggravate every conceivable and imaginary problem. Lock up The Center Party leadership until the pandemic is over, ie for life! And the pre-diabetic and pretend doctor Anders W Jonsson tries to imagine that he can strengthen our immune system through lockdowns and vaccination, instead of reducing carbohydrates, eating 100 IU vitamin D per kg body weight daily, and plenty of minerals and vitamins , and a little omega-6 (seed oils) and a lot of omega-3 (fish). Bread and pasta for every meal leads to zinc deficiency, which causes cancer, asthma and virus problems, so learn about quercetin and green tea extract!

If you're a fat unhealthy statistician with bad skin, or know of anyone, or a hyperactive child, it's easy to fix:

Dr Eric Berg has some advice against acne. First of all, just follow the advice on my mug, and then 90% will get rid of their acne. But also Milk thistle to help the liver, and test to see if avoiding milk products helps!
Generally I really recommend to search for "Dr Eric Berg" and your problem like "cramps" and you'll get good ideas of what to eat and avoid eating! Really helpful, even if he might not always be 100% right, it's worth testing.

This is how to write a headline "Civil war on pseudo-concervative newspaper":

Not even Hitler would think that it would be a good idea to forbid hugging. German leadership has gone totally insane. I just talked to some Germans after recording this, and they were so happy being in Sweden where they now only put a cap on 500 people in malls. Stupid rule, but not freaking insane.

German are getting tickets for standing still outdoors:
If your politicians forbid hugging, they are not your politicians but enemy combatants.

Charts of cases/deaths per pop show that India is crushing Covid-19.
With early hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin:

My content is usually first on:
There you can help me spread by content by just liking it!

Mug, sticker and other stuff:
Or in Swedish:


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