Dead Tesla 2020.03.07 — CAPE RUNAWAY, NZ

4 years ago

CAPE RUNAWAY, NZ — Dead Tesla 2020.03.07

My daughter and I were driving from Opotiki to Te Araroa to see NZ's biggest pohutakawa tree and have a late lunch.

We were about 42km west of Te Araroa and crossing the one-lane bridge over the Whangaparoa River. I'd pulled up and looked and the bridge was empty and nothing visible on the road beyond, though visibility wasn't perfect. It's a long bridge (200 metres approx).

The driver of the other car (a Ford Falcon) didn't stop and drove straight onto the bridge at speed. I wasn't going very fast, but slowed further, to a stop and veered right, hoping to avoid a head-on collision. The other driver barely hesitated and raced past hitting my car on the left side. We weren't hurt and the collision itself was minimal as far as impact force like hitting a curb too hard.

courtesy of Steve W.

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