Rite of Passage - Linkzamous Maximus :)

3 years ago

There comes a time in every boys life when the reigns need to be loosed. He needs to prove to himself that he has become a man. Not just be told or not just wandering through life wondering if he really is a man. But challenged with an obstacle so great that when he makes it through to the otherside he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt he can do it. Whatever it is. And if he can't do it yet he can do it later try after try until he does it. And he can know that he is a man. Every man is to challenge his boy in baby steps. One challenge after anohter and another until the day comes when the real challenge presents itself. When the boy can be loosed to make himself a man. This is called a Rite of Passage. Today it is just a simple stream crossing for the boy. Tomorrow it is the Lion or Demon that needs to be slain!

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