The Karma of Studying Violence in Self Protection

4 years ago

I'm going to share a clip from a recent podcast I did with somebody named Tyler Hixon from the “Strangers Worth Meeting” podcast really cool guy.

He reached out to me after he read my book and we discussed various things and one of the things he talked about was: If, people study violence, does more violence come into her life? This is a concern I get all the time from people that really haven't trained. I answer that question. I answer what my experience has been with people who are highly trained individuals.

00:10 Does studying violence make me violent
00:45 If I study violence will it bring it into my life?
01:20 Strangers Worth Meeting podcast start
03:05 Having violence as a tool is analogous to swimming
03:58 Back to Tim
04:23 Studying violence can be intimidating but a good instructor can help
04:46 The use of justified lethal force can help create a calmer life

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