Deep Bible Podcast Ep21: How God's Wrath Is Consistent With God's Love

3 years ago

The really delicious Truth woven throughout today's passages is that God is Love AND God is Just. If you've wrestled with how could a loving God send sinners to hell and execute His holy wrath on people, let's see what God actually has to say about this in the Bible. From Matthew 21 all the way through Genesis, Joshua, Job, Isaiah, and 1 Corinthians we see a consistent theme that God executes His judgment on the wicked - and we see that this is the most loving thing He could do. 

The Deep Bible Podcast is a daily, deep study of God's Word. We read and meditate on 6 chapters from the Bible, working sequentially through the gospels, the Torah, Old Testament history, wisdom, prophets, and New Testament epistles. We are on pace to read the entire Bible 1.5-3 times per year. This is an outstanding opportunity to learn about the Bible from the Bible itself, with the help of a born again Christian layman. You can find the Deep Bible Podcast by searching "Big Lies Bigger Truth" in any podcast player or on We are also now on youtube until they take us down for refusing to compromise on Biblical Truth. Past episodes are available on our Rumble channel. 

Scott McMahan was seized by Christ and brought to repentance and new life at 37 years of age after a lifetime of seeking God everywhere but the Christian Church. He is a married father of 7 homeschooled kids and adults, a real estate broker, homeschooling coach and leader, and an active member in his local Bible-teaching church. You can connect with him at

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