3 years ago

YOUTUBE ARCHIVE from February 24, 2020

I begin to use more graphics on video thumbs to grab attention and I begin to use effects and graphics in game to add to the effect. This is the emergence of my own personal renaissance and growth period with my video editing.

Original Description:
Hey everyone and welcome back to the channel! Today, I had so much fun going back to where it all started on Kings Canyon Season 1. I miss this map and I really hope they keep it as a permanent option going forward. They didn't listen when I said that same thing about solos either, so we shall see.

Here my squad and I take a little voyage to the always intense BUNKER! Thats right! "Its good to be home". The video doesn't mess around and gets right to the point. Its fast paced with funny quips and epic music choices. I play the morbid Revenant. No surprise there, I haven't stopped playing him since he came out and he is AWESOME!

The squad decides to rush bunker but then we start to get pinched. We had a great Idea to go around and avoid it since the storm was going to be coming in anyway soon which would force us through the bunker to survive. Attacking in the back of bunker, Air Base side, gave us the element of surprise. Throwing my only arc star down the steps and laying out the legend below with a spitfire before my controller's charge ran out on me. I quickly plugged in the charger and got back in the fight.

This is when the CHAOS ensues. We backed a squad into one of the chambers, blew the door and rushed them. Just then 2 more squads converged on our position with nothing much more we could do but to be meat shields. Rounds popping off by the thousands per minute in the small echoing chambers of bunker! No one going deaf, no one slipping on the inevitably mounding brass rolling around on the floor.

In conclusion, we didn't avoid the inevitable, but we went down in a blaze of glory and it was fun! I truly miss Kings Canyon. Thank you all for watching and if you haven't already, please subscribe and hit the like button I am trying to get to double digit RUMBLES up on this one, so lets see 10 or better. Plus, hit the subscribe button so you can see when I post more great content. I really appreciate your support!

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