Money! It’s Not About the Money! ~ Part 3 ~ “Seed to the Sower & Bread for Food”

4 years ago

Money! It’s Not About the Money! Part 3
“Seed to the Sower & Bread for Food”

By Pastor Gary Wayne

I think our text in 2 Cor. is packed full of nuggets concerning a heart for giving.
Paul gives some “super-truths”, huge spiritual insight into the principles of giving.

Last week we spent time looking at how God uses money as a tool to shape our character.

All the way through our time on this topic has to run Kingdom Thinking.
Understanding The Great Commission helps me steward my finances.

Text: Luke 16:10-13, 2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Working with money is a HUGE part of our life. When we were children, we began to learn about the importance of money in our lives.

When a pastor / teacher begins to talk about money, many move their wallet to their front pocket like you do in a busy airport. Why?

But again – as we look at the principals involving money, it’s not about the money.

How do I view the money I control?
Do I see it as mine? Or given to me from God to steward for Him?
Do I see money as the means to meet my needs?
Is it there to meet my wants?
Or do I see it as seed?

Notice the wording in ver.10.
He supplies seed to the sower and bread for food. God gives us – seed and bread.

Some of what God gives us is given, some of it is entrusted – What’s the difference?

What is the purpose of seed? To sow – to harvest a crop.
What is the purpose of bread? To eat – to meet my need.
We eat our bread and we sow our seed.

Here is the challenge – when it comes to us, it all looks the same.
And if we don’t separate our seed from our bread, what we will do is we will eat our seed.

When the farmer brings in his harvest, what happens if he isn’t thinking about next year’s harvest?

If he isn’t thinking about the purpose of his crop, and just grinds it all into flower, what happens then?

So knowing the principle of sowing and reaping, he separates the seed grain from the bread grain.

When I receive my paycheck, if I don’t separate what is entrusted from what has been given, I will think it’s all mine.

With a kingdom mindset about money, God is trusting that I will take the seed He entrusted to me and sow it.

He is faithful to meet all my needs – according to His riches in glory. (Phil.4:19)

A major principle about sowing & reaping is, “you reap what you sow.”
Also, you ONLY reap after you sow.

It’s not uncommon for people to say – or think – “I’ll give more when I get more.”
That is totally backwards of God’s principles.

If I am not a giver when I don’t have much, I won’t be a giver if I have more.

It’s not about the money!

Luke 16:10-13
What are the true riches Jesus is talking about in ver.11?

Again, think Kingdom Minded – Great Commission.
God tests our maturity to handle true riches by how we steward His money.

What are the results of our giving? 2 Cor.9:10-11

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