"OnFire Cafe" The Seven Letters to Christians Part 5 - The Book of Jude

4 years ago

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A New "OnFire Cafe" Book Club series in “The Study of Scripture”. Come Study with us as we present our new Narration Series "The Seven Letters to All Christians". Join us here for Part 6, “The Letter of Jude”. We will look at Jude chapter 1 in its entirety.

Part 5 – The Letter of Jude
Jude begins by indicating he feels a great need to write the letter. That he feels compelled to write about the need for salvation. He speaks of ungodly men of old who deny God and Christ. He starts off with the discussion of false teachers and the certainty of punishment. He discusses the violent language, vicious behaviors and he issues us a warning.

He concludes his letter with some insight around the duties of love and Doxology. He then directs us back to the savior who keeps us from falling, who washes us clean with his blood and who made us faultless before the Heavenly Father.

There are some very important points Jude makes here. He gives us insight into the potential sinful nature of man. Warning us very clearly of the consequences of such sin. But he also gives us the answer in salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Reminding us that Jesus Christ is the one who can make us faultless before the heavenly Father.

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