poem review please

4 years ago

I am looking for people that have the love for poetry and want to provide constructive feedback. What I am also doing is the best at home job ever. As you read one of my poems or short stories, a proposal to join and from there you will see how everythings done. Its simple as ABC. Check out my link https://vocal.media/authors/leavie-scott7414 . I also do random drawing for cash prizes to the ones in need. By signing up and reading one of my poems and giving me a heart on my poetry blog. I am giving away 200 dollars for valentines day gift. all you have to do is heart and share my poerty or short stories you like the best. In a world where separation is the law and where Love is freedom, but a dream, and hope...
Well, hope is the rope that holds onto the Dream. I have experienced the Greatest... In a place where lives are forgotten and light is seldom seen.

I have experienced Love in it's rarest and rawest form and nourished it.... Watched it grow and blossom while in a pit of darkness....https://vocal.media/poets/two-souls-holding-hands


Free poems to downloadable Poems and short stories to frame in a picture frame. Please donate a dollar. Just use the links. Search me on Vocal @Leavie Scott


Some may ask, "How can you LOVE someone who's locked away in a concrete box?" "How can LOVE grow when it's held captive behind walls and fences?" These are the people that don't know LOVE, who don't understand it's essence, nor it's power. LOVE is not satisfiable. You can never satisfy it, nor can you conquer it. And to understand it, well....Most don't live long enough...https://vocal.media/theSwamp/save-our-youth-don-t-shoot







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