#93 10-22-18 Invasion USA

3 years ago

00:00 Will America protect its border against this Central American caravan?
07:00 KMG wants polls made illegal, Luke defends them
24:00 Cory Booker accused by homosexual of bathroom misconduct
28:00 Republican gay congressmen such as Larry Craig, David Dreier, Dennis Hastert
40:00 ‘Transgender’ Could Be Defined Out of Existence Under Trump Administration
51:00 Sex is not real, you can choose your sex, but what about your race? Do DNA prove Elizabeth Warren is Cherokee?
54:00 The rule of the coalition of the fringe (James Kuntsler)
58:00 99% of people can't be at equilibrium when they don't know the sexual identity of the people around them
1:01:00 Is normalizing pedophilia next?
1:08:00 Tech oligarchs allow kids to access porn, but ban people who accurately quote crime and immigration statistics
1:12:00 WEHT to Frame Game Radio?
1:16:00 Parental involvement at all-time high
1:19:00 Kids playing video games, free range kids
1:26:00 The Day John Kelly and Corey Lewandowski Squared Off Outside the Oval Office
1:30:00 Trump: 'You know what I am? I'm a nationalist'
1:33:00 Barack Obama Is Back On The Campaign Trail And Back In A Box
1:37:00 Trump spat appears to be hitting Harley-Davidson
1:41:00 Is Netflix a Ponzi scheme?
1:50:00 Treating movies like events such as concerts
1:55:00 Z-Man column on American history: http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=15363, Harry Jaffa, Leo Strauss, slavery was not unique to USA
2:00:00 Max Boot complains about being airbrushed out of conservatism, will Jennifer Rubin stop misrepresenting herself as a part of the Right?
2:04:00 Faith Goldy appears headed for a third place finish in the election for Toronto mayor
2:08:00 Why are the Finns so happy?

"No one will stop us, only God": Ragged, growing caravan of migrants resumes march toward US:




Patriots abandon Harley-Davidson: https://www.cnbc.com/2018/10/19/trump-approved-boycott-of-harley-taking-a-toll-as-trade-ins-rise.html


If the Founders were immoral men, does America have an immoral foundation? http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=15363





"The correct place for the marginal is…on the margins!" http://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/lost-in-translation/

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