Dangers of the Churchmosquagogue?

3 years ago

Is the way to peace to construct buildings for professors of Christ and followers of Muhammed to get together? The German government is planning on constructing a building in Berlin called "the House of One." It is to include a Jewish synagogue, Greco-Roman church, and an Islamic mosque. It has been called a 'churchmosquagogue.' Is each way to God a good one as a rabbi associated with this project has said? Is this another step towards 'Chrislam'? What about the Abrahamic Family House being built in Abu Dhabi? Is Chrislam to be the final religion of the Beast and Antichrist? Did Pope Francis' first video of 2021 tie in with his 'Fratelli tutti' encyclical? Do Satan's ministers look good to the world? Does the Bible, in the Book of Revelation, warn about someone who looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon (Satan)? Will the interfaith movement lead to peace or war? Should you support it? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more in this video.

A written article of related interest is available titled "Germany To Begin Construction On Chrislam ‘House Of One’ some are calling a ‘churmosquagogue’" URL: https://www.cogwriter.com/news/prophecy/germany-to-begin-construction-on-chrislam-house-of-one-some-are-calling-a-churmosquagogue/

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