3 years ago

Dear Stef:

Things aren't great. I've been in a relationship with my partner for about six years, last year we bought a house and started trying for a baby, and we're now pregnant. That's the good news.

I started listening to the show around 2017 so about three years ago and have been doing some self reflection and some therapy. I lied about finishing tertiary education to my partner and my family. I kept it up, despite the toll it was taking on my soul, so I comforted myself with the slow death of fast food: I never got obese but somewhat portly. I'm still keeping to this habit but I have been swinging on and off, an addiction. It is straining my finances and putting pressure on my relationship with the mother of my child. She has said that she doesn't love me anymore and doesn't want to be with me, but also says I'm a good person.

I love her very much, I love her virtue, she makes me want match her values.

I know I've said some awful things and acted without virtue, without respect and love for her or myself, I just need someone to talk some of this out with, I can provide additional information in the chat. Is this situation salvageable?

It might not come across as desperate, but I'm terrified of the life my child could have if we split up for good, I only what to be there as support for her and the baby. This is as real as it gets for me.

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