"HERMAN CAIN TRAIN" by Toots Sweet

3 years ago

Copyright 2011 - Toots Sweet - Climb on board the Herman Cane Train.

Lyrics are as follows:
Herman Cain
Remember that name
If you're just like me
And you are sick of the same
Why don't you climb on board
The Herman Cane Train

Coast to coast
I'm your host
Rockin' this campaign
From San Jose to Sheep's Head Bay
Miami to Maine

Silverstreak flying by you
In the passing lane
Pop the cork
Raise the glass
I'm pouring the champagne
Let's toast to Herman Cain

If Eighty-Thousand pages filled with loop holes sounds insane
Herman's got the cure to ease your brain
A flat tax to get us back on track
Before we burst in flames
Sorry all you free loaders
This ain't the gravy train

Confidence and business sense
Without the blame game
From those four long lost years
Of hope and change
2012 we're breaking free
from the ball and chain
that's been dragging our
country and our money
down the drain

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