"SARAH SMILE - Tootsie Style" by Toots Sweet

3 years ago

Visit PatriotsInTune.com & TootsSweet.com. Lyrics - So it's Tootsday night and I'm sitting here on facebook. Next thing you know I'm in a heated debate with some eco-friendly man-made global warming crime of the century, imaginary shovel ready go green dysentery, college graduate liberal bigoted progressive regressive useful idiot... I wonder what Sarah would do....

This goes out to all you four wheel driving hunting fishing, gun toting clinging to religion, real Americans with real transmissions no catalytic converters stifling our emissions, meaning what they say and saying what they mean. Kinda like our beauty queen, defending the American dream. This one goes out to you barracuda...

Why are all you liberals hating my girl she's intoxicating fiscally responsibly fascinating refreshingly rejuvenating

This mama grizzly's the new sensation restoring Americas true foundation electrifying and motivating she's energized a generation, surpassing all our expectations still complainers keep complaining maybe she's intimidating. Could be bigotry or discrimination, either way I love the way she's irritating them, smiling while she's aggravating those God forsaken, American hating, commie Marxist liberals....

Community organizing is just a communist recruiting recreation and the presidency is just a spending spree for an all expense paid vacation. Liberals gave us ghettos, crime, high inflation, slums, unionized education, wars waged through the United Nations, blaming past administrations. Haters keep on hating, fakers keep on faking, takers keep on taking, liberal jerk offs collectively master-baiting. Taxes, fines, regulations, law suits, judicial predications, while waiters keep on waiting on that hopie dopie change.....

Hey el presidente
Why don't you leave immediately
Move in with the enemy and destroy there economy
or is it you already are living with the enemy, cause you're sure doing a number on this country.

Copyright 2011 -- Toots Sweet

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