TWO-POINT TURNS -- Learning to Drive -- Your Rear View Mirror is an Important Road Navigation Tool

3 years ago

TWO-POINT TURNS -- Mr. T. Uses His Rear View Mirror to Back Safely into a Driveway and then Proceed

Friends, whether you're a beginner driver, an experienced driver, a nervous driver, a confident driver, getting ready for your DMV driving test or just want to learn more to become an excellent road navigator; whether you're taking driving lessons, or just trying to learn some driving tips, these driving videos will help you pass your road test AND learn true road navigation so that your driving skills can be life saving!

And friends, if you found value in these videos, please like and subscribe, and YouTube will send you our videos as we upload them.

And hey, please leave a "Hey Mr. T.," in the comment section, and he'll comment back!

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