Bible Quote Mar 13th 2 Peter 1:4

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3 years ago

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” - 2 Peter 1:4
Some say Peter could not have written his letter because they don’t believe in adult learning. After Peter’s education as a disciple of Jesus, Peter was privileged and had ample opportunity to learn advanced rhetoric. But the wording here is simple and pure. God is holy. God is exalted and above the sin of which people are immersed. In order to deal with sin, it is important not to deal in sin, but to look for God. The simplicity of the words is what informs those who claim Peter could not have written it.
Another argument against the second epistle is that words are used, like 'Scripture' which weren't generally used until long after Peter's death. Also, Peter seems to have accurately predicted his own death.

Peter was named by Christ as the rock of the Church This letter may not have been written by him, but was written in his name, possibly any time from 60AD to 160 AD. Peter would have been dead, but still remembered in Rome where this letter probably originated. Christians were being persecuted on the pretext of amoral behaviour.

The structure of the first chapter is 'the greeting of the faithful,' 'fruitful growth in faith,' 'Peter's approaching death,' 'a trustworthy prophetic word.' The letter had been addressed to various nations in Asia Minor. This particular verse is from the greeting. By embracing Jesus, we may commune with God.

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