Happy Birthday OzFlor away from humans

4 years ago

Today is 1 year of my #CovidHoax #Plandemic #lockdown in Thailand. I want to be left alone away from humans as I am no longer an human, I am an Earthling and I stay better with some animal Earthlings too, of course.
Today I spent more money buying cow to eat. For the past 3.5 months I run out of money need to save.

Generic message below:
You can see my videos or open accounts on lbry/odysee and Rumble.
I'm on lockdown in Thailand since the 7th of March 2020. If you can help support my videos/channels or tip some LBC on my channel/videos or on my Wallet I'm very much appreciated.
Wallet: bSZqyMaFPTssCkqRmwXeJnRcit32Qkzjr6
Music: Tiny People
Musician: Alexei De Bronhe
URL: https://icons8.com/music

LBRY URLlbry://@Fazenda.Mondego#5/4s#3

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